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"no i'm not going" shirabu said walking away from tendou "BUT SHIRABOOB" "OI I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT" shirabu yelled cutting off tendou

"chill calm down shirabu, but please just come with me" shirabu rolled his eyes "and for what ?"

"because i wanna see the band, wakatoshi is the drummer and i have to see him" tendou "and why would you want to see him ? it's not like he knows you" shirabu said and tendou pouted

"i know i know but just come with me, just this once" tendou said with pleading eyes and shirabu groaned in annoyance

"fine fine, i'll go just stop bothering me, and i'll probably be on my phone the whole time" shirabu said crossing his hands across his chest

"why it's not like you have any friends OWWW" tendou rubbed the back of his head where shirabu slapped him

"it's not my fault i prefer to study, especially if i wanna become a doctor" shirabu said walking into his dorm and tendou following him

"oh shirabu aren't you gonna get a roommate ?" the red head asked "yeah, supposedly he's coming tomorrow which i'm not excited for"

"how do you expect to make friends with your salty attitude shira, you know i can't be your only friend" tendou said as he sat in the couch

"so it doesn't matter, besides i need to focus on studying" shirabu said and tendou sighed

"fine you do you but you're coming with me tonight besides you couldn't have said no, because i bought the tickets" tendou said showing the tickets to shirabu

"you're so dumb sometimes tendou" "key word sometimes which mean i'm smart the other times" tendou said smiling widely

"yeah yeah whatever, now when is the concert ?" shirabu asked getting a cup of water "um in like 4 hours" tendou said

"and far away is it ?" "... erm around 2 and a half hours" shirabu eyes widened

"TENDOU WE HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN READY GOSH YOU'RE SO DUMB" shirabu said placing the cup of water on the table and going to his room to change quickly

he slipped on a black hoodie under a jean jacket and black pants, and a pair of black converse

he left his room "let's go to your dorm, you have to change as well" tendou nodded and shirabu grabbed his keys since he was gonna have to drive.

they both left, and went to tendons dorm "oh i forgot to tell you, i'm getting a roommate as well, i hope he's hot" shirabu rolled his eyes

"of course you do, now go change we don't have all day" "oh you're so pushy, oya is this because you actually wanna go to see the concert" tendou said wiggling his eyebrows

"no, it's because you bought tickets and if we're late that means you bought them for no reason whatsoever" shirabu said and tendou put his hands over his head "whatever you say ~" tendou sang out and went to his room

he put on a black long sleeved shirt with a crimson red shirt over that complimented his hair and eyes, and a pair of black sweats with black vans

"how do i look shiraboo" tendou said walking out of his room in a model way "you look nice now let's go before we're late" shirabu said

the two boys left the dorms and went to shirabus car, shirabu told tendou to put on some music since he had better music taste.

time skip ~

after 2 hours and a half, they finally arrived at where the concert was being held. they found a parking spot and had to wait in line.

once they had finally gotten through, they went infront of the stage so they were in the first row, shirabu was on his phone whilst tendou was eagerly waiting for the band to show up

"HELLO EVERYBODY" everyone screamed when the main singer popped up, shirabu didn't bother to lift his head up

"psst shirabu look at them" shirabu groaned and looked up, his eyes locked with the silver looking male, but he immediately looked down

what the fuck was that..

back at it again with another story, anyways this ship is underrated 🥲

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