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TW: mentions of rape, don't read if it's uncomfortable !

ushijima pulled out his phone and started calling tendou

"hello ? wakatoshi ?" tendou said "go to the nightclub bar, and come with shirabu, i have a feeling semi is there and he's gonna get drunk.." ushijima said while he started running to the club

"we'll be there" tendou said hanging up, ushijima arrived at the nightclub and waited outside for tendou and shirabu but he didn't know he'd end up regretting waiting

meanwhile with semi

as the guy kept dragging semi to the room, semi kept on repeating no, once they arrived at the room, the guy threw semi on the bed

"nooo stoooppp" semi slurred and tried to stand up but his body was weak "shh be a good boy for me" the guy said, semi started crying

the guy crawled ontop of semi and started taking off his shirt "STOP PLEASE" semi yelled, getting more sober by the second from fear

"STOP RESISTING" the guy yelled as he slapped semi across the face, semi kept on crying and screaming no

the guy took off his own clothes then the rest of semis clothes, and threw them on the floor, the guy started choking semi, and kissed him forcefully

semi kept trying to push the guy off him but it was no use since he didn't have his strength

once the guy pulled away, and semi kept sobbing s-someone.. please save me..

the guy lined up his cock in semi's hole "NO STOP" semi yelled, after a few seconds the door busted opened

ushijima ran inside and pushed the guy off of semi, semi kept crying, shirabu looked at the state semi was in, and his heart broke

this is all my fault.. "stop thinking and go help semi semi" tendou said and shirabu ran over to semi and pulled him into his chest

"it's okay semi.. you're safe now" semi gripped on shirabus shirt and kept on sobbing onto his chest

ushijima punched the guy repeatedly till he was unconscious, while tendou grabbed semis shirt and gave them to shirabu

shirabu grabbed them and pulled away from the hug, and slipped his shirt on semi, the ash blonde male wiped his shirt, he grabbed his boxers quickly and slipped them on

once semi had his clothes on, he took a deep breathe, ushijima wanted to tell at semi for going to the club but he knew he couldn't because of semis state.

they all started walking to the car, ushijima and tendou on one car and shirabu and semi on the other.

shirabu started driving to the college dorms "semi.. are you okay ?" shirabu asked and semi didn't answer, since he was still shaken up

shirabu sighed "i'm sorry.. this was all my fault" shirabu said and semi shook his head "n-no.. it wasn't" he said as a whisper

shirabu gripped on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white "calm down, its not your fault shira"semi said softly, shirabu dropped his shoulders and took a couple of deep breath's

once they arrived at the dorms, they went inside and semi went walking to his room, as soon as he went inside he broke down crying

he quickly got out of his clothes, and wrapped a towel around him, grabbing his clothes he was wearing and throwing them out.

he went inside the bathroom, he turned on the water from the shower, and kept on scrubbing his body, washing the places the male touched.

semi was broken mentally, he felt disgusted. not once did he ever think he'd experience something traumatic.

once semi took a long shower, he still felt disgusted but it would have to do.

he went back inside his room and slipped on a baggy hoodie with sweatpants, he didn't wanna look at his body since he felt ashamed of himself

i-im so weak.. i couldn't even push him off.. semi went over to his bed and laid down and curled up in his blanket, he kept crying, he was frightened.

shirabu heard muffled crying, he knew it was from semi, he went inside semis room and saw him under his blanket

shirabu sat on semi's bed and pulled him to his chest, semi couldn't help but cry even harder

shirabu ran his fingers up and down semis back in a comforting way, and shirabu used his other hand to run his fingers through semi's hair

"it's okay semi.. i'm here for you" shirabu felt guilty, he knew everything was his fault if only i didn't run away.. if only i had told him the truth, i could've prevented this.. it broke shirabu seeing semi so vulnerable.

shirabu was on the verge of tears, his lips quivering don't cry shirabu.. you have to comfort semi

shirabu couldn't help but cry even harder while he was comforting semi "w-why are y..you crying" semi said through his sobs

"b-because this i-is all my f-fault.." shirabu said wiping his tears, and sniffled, semi sat up and looked at shirabu, they two males crying

"it wasn't y-your fault shirabu.." semi said softly and shirabu scoffed "dont lie s-semi.. you know it was m-my fault.. i-if only i told you.. how i r-really felt, this wouldn't have h-happened" shirabu sniffled, trying to form sentences without hiccuping and semi cupped his cheek, and caressed it

"i-i shouldn't have went to the club.. and what do you mean..?" semi asked confused and shirabu sighed

shirabu grabbed semis hand and intertwined their fingers together "i-..i love you"

the next chapter is gonna be the last chapter, erm i might've posted a lot today :P i was very bored the whole day 🥲 and i started writing another fan fic :D

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