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3:50 am

they finished watching the seasons from attack on titan, shirabu looked at semi who was sleeping peacefully

how did i manage to not sleep, probably because i was busy drooling over levi and erens titan.. oops

shirabu didn't know if he should wake him up, shirabu sighed, his eyes lids were dropping, shirabu put the blanket over them, and he ended up drifting off to sleep

6:21 am

semi eyes fluttered opened, once he fully opened them, he saw his hands around shirabu, he instantly removed them but he saw how shirabu frowned in his sleep

semi wrapped his arms around shirabu gently and shirabu nuzzled his face into semis chest, semi heard shirabu's soft snores and found himself smiling

he looks like a precious angel.. even though he's a demon when he's awake, god stop thinking like that semi sighed, but he knew he had to wake him up since they were gonna be late to college

semi took his arms off of shirabu, and started shaking him "psst shira wake up, we're gonna be late"

shirabu eyes fluttered opened, revealing his brown eyes "hm" shirabu was still half asleep "wake up shira, we're gonna be late" semi said softly

"no" shirabu said closing his eyes and grabbing semi and pulled him closer "sleep.. tired" shirabu said sleepily "we have to go to school shira or else we'll be late" semi said running his fingers through shirabus copper hair

wait no because now i feel lonely 😃

"school.. late.." shirabu said eyes shot open "SCHOOL LATE" shirabu yelled and got off his bed quickly

"SEMI GET OUT I HAVE TO CHANGE WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" shirabu yelled and semi released a chuckle

"STOP LAUGHING AND GO GET READY YOU IMBECILE" semi sighed "yeah yeah i'm leaving" as soon as semi left shirabu took off his clothes, he didn't have time to take a shower so he just slipped on some clothes and his shoes and grabbed his stuff

"SEMI HURRY UP" shirabu yelled "COMING JEEZ" semi said getting out of his room with his shoes in his hand, he quickly put them on

"LETS GO" shirabu said loudly and semi nodded, the two left their dorm and started walking to their class.

time skip ~

shirabu finished his class and started walking out, he kept thinking of his dream

i cant believe i dreamed about sleeping with semi and i was cuddling with him in my sleep.. little did he know it wasn't a dream


shirabu sighed and rubbed his forehead, shirabu looked to his left and saw semi

"se-...." shirabu stopped himself when he saw a female kiss him, shirabu turned around immediately and gagged mentally, shirabu sighed and continued walking

still a play boy arent ya shirabu continued walking and stopped when he saw tendou "SHIRABOO" tendou yelled and shirabu sighed in relief

"hi tendou, i'm glad to see you" shirabu said and tendou eyes widened "AW SHIRABOO ARE YOU BECOMING SOFT"

"i will hit you with a pan" shirabu said "i think you have an obsession with pans" tendou said before he started laughing

"anyways what are you doing now ?" shirabu asked "hm probably finish my drawing from when i came over" shirabu said

"oh what were you even drawing ?" shirabu asked when he started walking and tendou following him "i was drawing wakatoshi naked"

shirabu gagged "gross" "i'm just kidding, i'm not a pervert, i mean unl- OUCH" shirabu punched tendou shoulder "i don't need to know, you need to go to church" shirabu said

"no thank you besides with wakatoshi kun as my roommate, i'll commit all types of-" "all types of what ?" shirabu and tendou froze and turned around hesitantly

"ooohh wakatoshi, how surprising it is to see you right here" tendou said and shirabu started laughing "go on, tell him you'll commit all types of what tendou" shirabu said and tendou glared at him

"i'll commit all types of crimes because shirabu has influenced me in a bad way wakatoshi" tendou said and shirabu rolled his eyes

"lia- OWIE" shirabu said when tendou pinched the side of his stomach "did i do something to make you want to commit crimes satori ?" ushijima asked

yeah with yo fine ass tendou thought to himself "no no of course not, you're perfect the way you are" tendou said and ushijima nodded "good to know"

"shirabu, have you seen semi" ushijima said "last time i saw him, he was sticking his tongue down a girls throat"

ushijimas and tendous eyes widened, ushijima sighed "damn i thought he would have stopped by now"

"what do you mean ?" shirabu asked "his manager called him and told him to stop toying with other girls but i guess he didn't listen" ushijima said

"what do you expect from a play boy" shirabu said and tendou nodded in agreement

"he is not a play boy, but it doesn't matter, i'll see you both later, i have to find semi now" ushijima said and the two nodded

"bye wakatoshi" tendou said smiling "goodbye satori" once ushijima left tendou released a sigh of relief

"thank god" tendou said and shirabu laughed "you're the definition of stupid"


"h-how dare you" shirabu rolled his eyes and tendou laughed "kidding, i'll make wakatoshi love this flatass" tendou said trailing his hands down his own body "atleast im cute, and don't have weird bangs, bangsie"

"YOU BASTARD" shirabu said, as tendou started running away which made shirabu chased him.

sorry i woke up at 1pm and i've been cleaning the whole day ):

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