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few days later

"today is your concert right ?" shirabu said and semi nodded "yeah, are you coming ?" semi asked and shirabu nodded "tendou is forcing me" shirabu said

"would you come if tendou didn't ask ?" semi asked and shirabu thought for a second "yeah i would"

knock knock

shirabu opened the door revealing a red and green haired males "hi tendou and ushijima" shirabu said letting them in

"oh forgot to mention.. i might've gotten you two vip passes" semi said and shirabu face palmed himself "why" shirabu asked and semi shrugged "don't know just wanted to" semi said

"OOUU GIMME" tendou said and semi gave him his vip pass, semi then gave one to shirabu, their hands touched for a split second but it made the two boys blush

"thanks dumbass" shirabu said and semi chuckled "mean"

"we should get going" ushijima said and the three nodded, the left the dorms "oh i forgot to mention... my driver is gonna have to drive us there"

shirabu and tendou nodded, once the driver arrived, the four went inside the car.

"what song are you guys singing ?" tendou asked "oh it's unreleased.. um i started writing it and today is the first time i'm actually gonna sing it"

please remember ima gonna use a song i listen to in general :P

"oh okay" tendou said "are we almost there yet ?" shirabu asked "we literally went inside the car a minute ago.." semi said and shirabu sighed

"it felt like an hour" semi face palmed himself, while tendou started laughing "you're so cute sometimes shirabu"

shirabu punched tendous shoulder "if someone calls me cute one more time im gonna lose it"

"oh ? you're saying someone called you cute recently ?" tendou asked and semi and shirabu blushed.

tendou and ushijima looked at eachother you see this ? ushijima nodded they're growing up, i'm gonna cry ushijima chuckled

semi tilted his head in confusion "are they communicating ? but they're not even saying anything" semi asked

"you're dumb, it's called talking through expressions which ushijima and tendou can do" shirabu said

i wonder if he's gonna understand that the song is basically for him..

"semi are you okay ?" shirabu asked "huh, oh yes i'm fine just thinking about the song i'm gonna sing" semi said and shirabu made an "o" shape with his mouth then nodded

"i'm tired, i wanna sleep" shirabu said "you can sleep on my lap if you want, b-but you don't have too" semi said

shirabu didn't hesitate to rest his head on semis lap he's comfortable.. shirabu drifted off to sleep

semi started running his fingers through shirabus copper hair so soft semi thought to himself

shirabu started smiling while he was sleeping. tendou and ushijima looked at them

tendou covered his own mouth since he wanted to squeak loudly, but tendou poked ushijima "look ushy theyre so cute" tendou whispered

so are you.. but ushijima wouldn't say that out loud "yeah" was what ushijima whispered instead.

time skip ~

they had arrived at where the concert was taking place, semi shook shirabu gently to wake him up, once shirabu had woken up, he sat up and yawned

"oh, are we here ?" shirabu asked and semi nodded, they four got out of the car, and started walking backstage.

"are you guys gonna be in the audience or watch us from the side of the stage ?" semi asked and shirabu shrugged

"what do you wanna do tendou ?" shirabu asked "side of the stage" tendou said smiling and shirabu nodded

"okay, well we're going on in about 10 minutes" semi said "SEMI" the four looked over at who yelled "oh hey misaki" semi said waving at her

"so you both know you're going on in 10 minutes, oh wait who are them ?" the manager asked

"that's shirabu and tendou" semi said and the manager eyes lit up and looked at semi and mouthed "that's shirabu" but she covered her mouth so shirabu wouldn't see

semi nodded and misaki smiled "hi shirabu, i'm misaki, and i'm their manager" she said "hello" shirabu said

they were all talking, misaki looked at her watch "oh it's time for you guys to go on stage" she said and ushijima and semi nodded

the two left to the stage and shirabu and tendou were at the side of the stage so they were looking at them.


the crowed started screaming in excitement and clapping. semi looked at shirabu then sighed

let's hope he understands

and some angst may begin 🤺 kidding... no i'm not :P don't hate me 🥲

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