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next day

shirabu woke up to get ready for college, when he saw a shadow of a male in the couch

shirabu quickly went to the kitchen to grab a pan, he made his way to the couch and smacked the person with the pan but not to hard to knock him out

"OUCH WHAT THE FUCK" the person yelled, shirabu ran to turn on the light, with the pan still in the hand

once he turned it on he saw the person he looks familiar.. the guy turned around and his eyes widened "shirabu ?" he said

"who the fuck are you" shirabu said "wow can't believe you forgot me when we just met yesterday" the guy sighed

"seni no semi right ?" shirabu said and the guy nodded "yes semi eita, now are you my roommate ?" semi said and shirabu eyes widened

"god how did i forget that my roommate was coming today shit" shirabu said putting his hand on his face harshly, but ended up smacking himself in the head since he forgot about the pan

"OW SHIT" shirabu said as he dropped the pan which landed on his toes "OUCH" shirabu said grabbing his foot and fell backwards

"WHAT THE FUCK" shirabu yelled in pain, semi couldn't help but laugh loudly and fall back into the couch

"OI WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING SHITHEAD ITS NOT FUNNY" shirabu yelled at semi as he stood up and winced

"god do i have bad luck or something tch" shirabu grabbed the pan and smacked semi in the back of his head "OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR" semi whined

"for laughing at me dipshit" shirabu said walking to the kitchen to put the pan away, and went back to his room to take a shower

when he went inside the shower, he heard the door open "OI SEMI THAT BETTER NOT BE YOU, YOU BITCH" shirabu yelled and the door immediately closed

"SORRY DIDNT REALIZE YOU WERE IN THE BATHROOM" "TCH Y YOU HEAR THE WATER RUNNING MORON" shirabu yelled before he sighed and rubbed his head

"ouch shit" dammit i have a fucking bruise now, just great, stupid semi this is all your fault

once shirabu finished taking a shower, he wrapped the towel around his waist, and left the bathroom which he bumped into semi

"OI WATCH WERE YOURE GOING SEMI" shirabu said as semi stumbled back "are you always this clumsy ?" semi asked

"no i'm not, it's your fault now leave me alone" "oh ? were you distracted by my beaut- OUCH" "finish that sentence i'll cut your eyes off" shirabu said as he walked into his room and slammed the door

he went over to his closet and put on a lavender colored hoodie with black sweatpants and a pair of black crocs

after shirabu had left the shower, semi went inside to take a quick shower, and once he finished, he went to his room and put on a black turtle neck shirt with black ripped jeans and black slip on vans

semi left his room and saw shirabu making breakfast "you know how to cook ?" semi asked and shirabu nodded "what're you cooking ?" semi asked

"just some pancakes, want some ?" shirabu asked "yeah sure" shirabu nodded, once he finished making it, he grabbed two plates and put the pancakes on them and gave one to semi

"is there syrup ?" semi asked, shirabu nodded and grabbed the syrup from the fridge, he put some one his own pancakes then gave it to semi

"thanks" shirabu nodded, once they finished eating, they left their dorms, then went their separate ways since they were studying different courses.

"SHIRABOO" tendou yelled as he ran up to shirabu "huh oh hi tendou what happened ?" shirabu asked and tendou smiled brightly

"you will NEVER believe whos my roommate" tendou said jumping up and down "oh who ?" shirabu asked "wakatoshi" tendou whispered

"oh that's cool, well my roommate is semi" shirabu said calmly "NO WAY" tendou said in disbelief and shirabu nodded

"i hit him with a pan twice" shirabu said and tendou jaw dropped and his eyes widened, then he bursted into a fit of laughter

"YOURE CRAZY SHIRABU" tendou said as he clutched his sides "no i am not, i thought he was an intruder so i hit him, then i ended up hitting myself which is the bruise on my forehead and then he started laughing so i hit him again" shirabu said and tendou froze before bursting into laughter again

"gosh that's my bestie for ya" tendou said as he ruffled shirabu hair, shirabu punched tendou in the stomach

"don't mess with my hair tendou" shirabu said as tendou winced and put thumbs up "got.. it" tendou took a deep breath before regaining his posture

"okay well i'll see you later shiraboo" tendou said "don't call me that" shirabu said "um no" tendou said smiling before he left to his class

shirabu sighed then went to his own class, and rubbed his forehead softly god my forehead hurts so much

off topic i was watching attack on titan during lunch or am watching it and i wanted to scream out of nowhere and cry 🥲 i hate getting emotionally attached to characters AND WHY TF IS ERENS TITAN SO HOT 😭

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