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"WAKATOSHI HOW DARE YOU RAT ME OUT" tendou said once he opened his dorm

"it was not my fault, you said it was me, when it was not" ushijima said sitting down in the couch

"so ? doesn't mean you can snitch on me" tendou said sitting beside him "that's a bit selfish satori" ushijima said and tendou sighed

"sorry wakatoshi." tendou whispered and ushijima sighed

"it's okay.. do you wanna watch a movie ?" ushijima said and tendou nodded happily

the two stood up and went inside ushijimas room, tendou flopped on ushijimas bed dramatically which he found adorable

if they can confess, so can i tendou stood up on the bed

"satori, be careful you could fall" ushijima said standing infront of him but on the floor

tendou looked down at him and took a deep breath "i have something to tell you" tendou said pointing at the green haired male

"what is it ?" tendou cleared his throat "i um.. i hehe this is harder than i thought" tendou said and ushijima tilted his head in confusion

"what's hard ?" ushijima said and before tendou could process what he was gonna say, he said the first thing in his head

ima get 2nd hand embarrassment now 😭

"MY DICK IS HARD WHENEVER I SEE YOU" tendou slapped his hand over his mouth quickly when he realized what he had said while ushijimas eyes shot open

tendou walked back on ushijimas bed, ushijima knew if tendou kept walking backwards he was gonna trip

tendou slipped on the edge of the bed but ushijima caught himself before he could

"well it's a good thing, so does mine.. now be careful before you fall again" ushijima said sitting tendou on the bed

"HUH ?" tendou said confused "so does mine, i like you satori" ushijima said sitting beside tendou

"y-you like me ?" tendou said pointing to himself, ushijima nodded

"how could i not ? you're so pretty, your red hair.. red eyes, pale skin.. i love everything about you" tendou blushed furiously

tendou said covering his face with his hands

"why not ? it's the truth" ushijima said grabbing tendous hand and holding them

tendous breath hitched, his heart pace quickening "may i ?" ushijima said and tendou nodded

ushijima moved his face closer to tendou, and soon after their lips were pressed together, tendou felt like he was on cloud 9

once they pulled away, ushijima raised his hand to cup tendous red cheeks "be mine satori ?" ushijima said and tendou nodded eagerly

"so why did you think telling me you get turned on by me was a good way to confess ?" ushijima teased and tendou punched his shoulder which ended up hurting himself

"i-i just said the first thing that came up on my mind" tendou admitted and ushijima chuckled "youre so adorable"

"am not" tendou said "i'm sexy for your information, i mean look at this ass of mine" tendou said standing up on ushijimas bed again

"yeah, and that ass is mine" ushijima said which made tendou sit down quickly and blush

"w-when were you so bold wakatoshi" tendou asked and ushijima shrugged "i never was, just around you because i like the way you blush" ushijima said and tendou blushed again

"you're so cruel ushy gushy" "gushy?" ushijima said confused and tendou laughed "yes ushy gushy" ushijima sighed

"the nickname is weird" tendou scoffed "no it is not"
"well now let's watch the movie" ushijima said and tendou nodded

the green haired male started the movie and pulled tendou closer to him, and smiled softly

"love you satori" tendou blushed "i-i love you too"

the end ~

i swear i always forget something 😭 now it's finished

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