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just fluff, and them kissing here

"i-..i love you" shirabu said and semi eyes widened, semi started tearing up again "y-you're lying.. you're just saying that.." semi said taking his hands away from shirabu's grip

"i'm not lying.. i ran away because i was scared.. i was scared you'd leave me when you'd find someone better.." shirabu said softly as he started tearing up again

semi cupped shirabus cheek, and wiped shirabus tears "i won't leave you shira.. i love you too" semi said smiling softly and shirabu couldn't help but smile softly as well

shirabu grabbed semi, and hugged him tightly, shirabu had regretted not telling semi how he truly felt

he could've prevented everything.

once they pulled away, semi smiled and cupped shirabu's face, giving a small and delicate peck against shirabu's lips

shirabu's eyes widened, he wrapped his arms around semi.

they pulled away and smiled "you know, you're not so bad" shirabu said and semi chuckled

"oh ? why thank you" semi responded.

shirabu knew, semi was gonna take time to get more comfortable around him

what had happened to semi was gonna take time to get over, not fully but enough that he'll be happy

shirabu was gonna help semi through it.

"i love you semi" shirabu said smiling and semi gave a delicate peck on shirabus cheek and smiled "i love you too"

the two felt pairs of eyes on them, they looked at the door and saw tendou and ushijima peeking through the door, tendou with a nose bleed and ushijima with a shocked expression

"OI WHY ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING" shirabu yelled and tendou screeched "IT WAS USHIJIMAS IDEA" tendou said wiping his nose bleed with his shirt

"it was not, tendou insisted on checking up on you guys, then he went to semis room and saw you two kissing each other" tendou punched ushijimas shoulder

"OW WHAT ARE YOU MADE OUT OF ROCKS" tendou said rubbing his knuckles "no i am not" ushijima said

"well i apologize for disturbing you guys, we should go satori" tendou groaned and sighed "bye semi semi and shiraboo"

they both left, and shirabu sighed, "can i stay here tonight ?" shirabu asked and semi nodded "of course" semi said, the two laid down beside each other

shirabu head resting on semis chest, while semis arm was around shirabu, rubbing his side

"hey shirabu" semi said and shirabu could only respond with a 'hm' "did you like the songs i wrote ?" semi asked and shirabu nodded

"yeah, the two were different but i liked them" shirabu said nuzzling his face into semis neck

"i'm glad, i meant what i said on songs though" semi said

"so you like me calling you dumb ?" shirabu said, raising an eyebrow "perhaps"

"you're weird, but thank you for still liking me even though i treated you rather harshly" shirabu said cupping semi's face who in return smiled and nuzzled his face into shirabu's palm

"and thank you for being you" semi said softly

"you're a bitch" shirabu said, blushing "what a tsundere, but i'm not a bitch, i'm your bitch" semi said, before both of them started laughing

"yeah.. you are, but i'm your bitch too" shirabu said and semi released a small laugh "yeah yeah i know"

"good.. semi can you promise me you won't leave me" shirabu whispered "i promise, if you promise to not leave me for my stupidity" shirabu giggled which made semi's heart feel warm and fuzzy

"i promise" the two males smiled. while they were in eachothers embrace

"you're so warm and cuddly like a teddy bear" semi said and shirabu furrowed his eyebrows "are you trying to say i'm short ?" shirabu said semi nodded "yes you're short and cuddly"

"don't make me get my pan" semi gulped and chuckled nervously "i was just kidding.. you're very tall" semi said

"yeah i know i'm tall.. hm thank you for not leaving me.. even though i can be a salty bitch" shirabu said

"you're my salty bitch" semi said and shirabu rolled his eyes "no you're my rockstar bitch" shirabu said and semi blushed

"i like the sound of being your rockstar" "bitch.. my rockstar bitch, don't forget the bitch.. bitch"

"how could i forget about the bitch, hm goodnight kenji" "goodnight eita"

i love you my precious rockstar

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