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next day 5:51am

shirabu woke up to the sound of movement around the house since it was loud, he got up and went to the kitchen to find a female he didn't know

"who are you ?" the female asked "um i live here, now who are you and why the fuck are you half naked?" shirabu asked

"i'm semi's girlfriend and because me and him did it last night if you know what i mean" shirabu felt a pang on his heart but he ignored it "oh okay" shirabu went back to his room with a small frown but he didn't know why

semi woke up and saw the girl gone huh oh shes gone that's good "im semi's girlfriend and because me and him did it last night if you know what i mean" semi's eyes widened huh wait what he thought to himself

HUH WHAT THE FU- "oh okay" so shirabu doesn't care i mean why would he semi sighed then got up from his bed and left the room, which he didn't realize he was just in his boxers

"hi baby" she said loud enough for shirabu to hear "first of all i'm not your baby, now leave, god it was just a one night stand"

shirabu heard what semi said oh so he's the fuckboy type, great my roommate is a damn whore shirabu sighed and went to take a shower since he couldn't sleep so he might as well get ready for school earlier.

he left to go to the bathroom when he saw semi in the kitchen with his elbows on the counter is he okay ? no i don't care now go take a shower

the copper haired male sighed then went to the bathroom and took a long and warm shower, once he finished he wrapped his towel around his waist and another one around his neck and he dried his hair

once he finished changing, he went to the kitchen to grab a banana, "semi are you ready or what, you're gonna be late to college" semi got out of his room and went inside the kitchen and grabbed an apple

"yeah let's go" shirabu nodded, the two left the dorm "hi shirabu, i hope the girl wasn't annoying" semi said looking down at the floor

"i mean who wouldn't want a hot girl in my dorm out of nowhere" shirabu said sarcastically "is that sarcasm"

"oh look you're not as stupid as i thought" and with that shirabu left to his class and left semi dumbfounded why is he so mad ?

semi sighed but then went to his class, everyone looked at him, semi then got a notification, he sat down on his chair and pulled out his phone

i was tagged in multiple instagrams account ? it's probably just another fan, he opened it.

his eyes widened no no no shit i'm so fucking dead semi put his hand over his face and groaned

time skip ~

semi finished with his classes and as soon as he went inside his dorm, he got a call from his manager

no no don't tell me.. she's gonna kill me "h-hello..?" semi cursed at himself for stuttering

"i'm assuming you know why i'm calling you right" she said "um no ?" semi said playing innocent and he heard a sigh coming from the other side of the phone

"you know i see you as my son, and you know i care about you so why, why did you got out in public and why did you take someone home, because the girl ended up taking a picture of you and posted it all over social media, you know this is bad for publicity"

"yes yes i know, i'm so sorry, i-i don't know why i did it" semi said as a whisper

"you know you can tell me anything semi" semi sighed "it's just i have a roommate and ushijima told me i might like him but i said no because i'm straight so i tried convincing myself i was straight and that happened" semi said and his manger face palmed herself

"i've known you since you were a kid semi, and you have a habit for making bad decisions but this one was out of line, people are saying you're a bad role model"

"I DIDNT ASK TO BE FAMOUS MISAKI, i-i just wanted to sing, i get im 20 and i know i should be a role model but it's not easy especially when there's paparazzis everywhere"

misaki sighed "dont go out in public, you can continue going out to college, but that's it, i have to fix the problem and also stop toying with females because you don't want to admit your feelings"

"okay.. bye misaki" semi hung up the phone and flopped into the couch "i'm so stupid"

"we've been knowing" semi turned around and saw shirabu going inside the dorm did he hear ?

i was trying to take a nap since i have lunch well online but i couldn't sleep 🥲 so i cries

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