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"semi are you ready ?" ushijima asked and semi nodded "yes yes, god can't believe this is our last concert since we're starting college tomorrow" semi said

"yeah, but we will be attending the same college so that won't be to bad i suppose" ushijima said and semi nodded "yes you're right, well let's go"

"HELLO EVERYONE" semi yelled, he smiled whenever started screaming in excitement at them, but he noticed someone was looking at his phone

the guy looked up at him, and their eyes locked, semi eyes widened, but the guy looked back unamused hm interesting he thought to himself

semi started singing a song, then stopped in the middle "CAN I HAVE EVERYONE ATTENTION" semi yelled and the crowd said yes

"I WANT ONE OF MY FANS TO GO ON STAGE WITH ME" everyone yelled "me" but his eyes fell to the guy before

"YOU, THE ONE WITH THE COPPER BANGS" shirabu looked up since tendou was poking him

"what tendou" shirabu said "he wants you to go up" tendou said smiling "who me ?" shirabu said in confusion

"YEAH YOU COME UP HERE" shirabu shook his head "AW GUYS HE SAID NO, CONVINCE HIM TO COME UP" shirabu rolled his eyes

"just go up there shiraboo" tendou said "but i don't even know him or any of his songs" shirabu argued

"just go up" shirabu sighed and he went up the stage "what" shirabu said with an unamused tone

"hello you must know me" semi said smiling "no i don't" shirabu said bluntly "oh okay well then i'm semi eita, and i noticed you weren't paying attention so i wanted to bring you up here and sing for you" shirabu sighed

"do you have to ?" semi eyes widened and the crowd gasped but tendou was laughing "SHIRABU DONT BE SO BLUNT" tendou said as he laughed loudly

"YOU RED HEAD COME HERE AS WELL" semi said and tendou nodded

"hi" tendou said once he went up the stage "do you know me ?" tendou nodded "yup semi eita and that's ushijima wakatoshi" tendou said while smiling

ushijima found himself smiling as well and waved at him which made tendou's stomach flutter

"how come your friend knows me and you don't ?" semi asked and shirabu shrugged "maybe because i just found out about you guys because he wanted me to go to your concert when i didn't even know you guys existed" shirabu said and the crowd gasped

"how didn't he know about him" was what everyone was saying "hm okay well i'll sing you guys a song" tendou nodded and shirabu sighed

um ima just use a song i listen to 😭

dead to me by kali uchis

(you're dead to me, you're dead to me)
i don't know what you've been told.. see i am not your enemy
but if there's one thing that i know, it's that you ain't a friend of me.. so don't come for me, unless i send for you , ooh no, you're dead to me
just don't come for me, i won't send for you.. ooh no, you're dead to me you're dead to me, oh you're dead to me.. you're obsessed, just let me go
you're dead to me.. im not somebody you know
you're dead to me could you just leave me alone?
you're dead to me, what you say to me i can't hear a thing
try to talk some sense to myself, but i won't listen
im what god made of me, no need to pretend
it's okay to disagree, we don't have to be friends
see, you think you got problems with me but baby i don't even think about you.
you're mad at everything i do but, what are you up to? i haven't a clue
'cause baby you're dead to me, why can't i be dead to you? i think that we both know the truth you're obsessed, just let it go
you're dead to me, you're obsessed, just let me go you're dead to me im not somebody you know you're dead to me.
could you just leave me alone? you're dead to me why can't you see you're dead to me just let it be you're dead to me why can't you see you're dead to me?
just let it be you're dead to me you're obsessed, just let it go you're dead to me you're obsessed, just let me go you're dead to me..
im not somebody you know you're dead to me, could you just leave me alone? you're dead to me, baby you're dead to me.

once he finished singing, shirabu was shocked holy shit he sings amazingly..

"so how was that ?" semi asked shirabu "it was okay i guess" shirabu wouldn't admit it but he knew it was more than okay

"WHATTT IT WAS AMAZING" someone from the crowd yelled, tendou was clapping ecstatically "THAT WAS SO AMAZING WAKATOSHI AND SEMI SEMI"

"semi semi ?" semi looked at him confused but shrugged "so you didn't like it ?" semi asked shirabu "i didn't say i didn't like but well i don't not like it"

"so you like it ?" semi asked "no" shirabu said as he walked out of the stage and back to where he was before and tendou followed him

"well okay, anyways BACK TO ANOTHER SONG EVERYONE"

"you're so blunt and salty shiraboo" shirabu shrugged and went back on his phone

hey hey, can't sleep so 🥲

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