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shirabu had just finished his classes for today, he pulled out his phone to text tendou when a voice stopped him

"SHIRABU" shirabu turned around and saw semi running after him with girls chasing him, shirabu eyes widened

"oh hell no" shirabu said backing away slowly "NO WAIT" shirabu groaned in annoyance, semi caught up and grabbed shirabus hand and they both started running away

"OI SEMI SAN WHAT THE FUCK" shirabu yelled, semi kept quiet and the two just kept running, semi ran to the back of the school and saw he had lost his fangirls

"why the fuck were you being chased" shirabu asked as he was breathing heavily due to the running "because they're fangirls, i was gonna give the autographs but then they tried taking off my clothes so i had to run away and i saw you so yeah" semi said once he started breathing properly

"oi why did you bring me into this ? i will find a fucking pan and smack you again" shirabu said and semi chucked softly

"you're funny" "it wasn't a joke" shirabu said glaring at semi who gulped in fear "oookay anyways i finished with my class today so let's go" semi said grabbing shirabu hand again

"tch no, leave me alone" shirabu said pulling his hand back and started walking away "aw shirabu dont be like that" semi said running up to him

"i said leave me alone ash blond bimbo" shirabu said and semi gasped "ouch shirabu, that hurt, you're so mean to me" shirabu rolled his eyes

"hey shirabu, what's the difference between you and salt.. NOTHING" semi said as he started laughing at his own joke

shirabu furrowed his eyebrows and turned to semi and punched him in the shoulder "OW STOP HITTING ME"

"stop being an annoying bitch" shirabu said walking away from semi

"you know you could try being less salty" semi said walking up to shirabu again "and you can try being less annoying"

"you're such a bully" shirabu shrugged "don't care" shirabu opened his door and went inside his dorm and semi followed him inside

"what are you gonna do now shirabu ?" semi asked "study so leave me alone" semi sighed "fine fine, i'll just text ushijima" semi said but shirabu ignored him and went inside his room and closed the door

he grabbed his books and went over to his desk and sat on his spinning chair, he grabbed his airpods and started listening to music as he started studying

shirabu got a notification, he looked at his phone and saw it was from tendou

hi shiraboo ! can i come over ? semi and ushijima are practicing in my dorm and as much as i'd love to hear them, i wanna draw and i can't concentrate with so much noise

yeah sure

thank you ! i'll be over in 3 minutes, bye shiraboo <3


shirabu sighed and started studying again, tendou opened the door letting himself in the dorm then went inside shirabus room

"SHIRABOOOOOO" tendou yelled and shirabu jumped in surprise and fell down from his chair "i hate here" shirabu said looking up at the ceiling from the floor

"SHIRABOO" tendou yelled running up to him and helped him up "i'm used to it at this point" shirabu sighed and sat back down on the chair

"you can sit down on my bed, and draw there" tendou nodded and starts drawing

meanwhile with the other two ~

"did tendou leave ?" semi asked and ushijima nodded "yes now tell me" semi sighed "i think shirabu hates me" semi frowned

"why do you care semi ?" ushijima asked "i don't know, it's just it's been a while since someone treated me like that and i guess i like it, i mean he doesn't even hesitate to hit me with a pan and punch me, is it weird i like it ?" semi said

"he hit you ?" ushijima said and semi nodded "wow, he has some guts, and you like it ?" semi nodded

"you have a weird kink semi" semi chuckled "no, i mean i like the fact, he hits me and acts as if i was a nobody" semi said

"i mean to him you are a nobody since he didn't know you till yesterday" ushijima said and semi rolled his eyes

"true, but i think he literally hates me" semi pouted "why do you think that ?" ushijima asked and semi flopped onto ushijimas bed and looked up to the ceiling

"because all he did today was insult me and say i was annoying, and for some reason it kind of hurt" semi said

"you normally do not care about insults though" ushijima said with a monotone voice "i-i know but it hurt when it came from him, i don't know why" semi said

"perhaps you have developed feelings ?" ushijima said and semi sat up straight immediately

"there's no way, i'm not gay" semi said and ushijima shrugged "i don't know then, but are you certain you're heterosexual ?" ushijima said which left semi dumbfounded

a-am i ..?

not me eating lunchables while writing this 🙄 anyways guys itadori is so 😻 and when sukuna is in posses of his body i'm like WOW SO BEAUTIFUL 🥰

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