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"WAKATOSHI" tendou screeched and ushijima jumped "satori ? what happened ?" ushijima said when tendou busted into his room

"oh nothing, so im here to give you more mangas, how are you liking them so far" tendou said giving a few mangas

"more mangas ? and i actually enjoy them, thank you satori" ushijima said grabbing the mangas from the red head

tendou flashed him a smile which made ushijimas heart pace quicken, ushijima subconsciously found himself giving tendou a soft smile

meanwhile with the other two ~

"are you gonna stay here and just be on your phone the whole time ?" shirabu asked spinning his chair to look at semi

"yes" semi said looking up from his phone "why" shirabu asked and semi looked at him confused

"what do you mean why ?" semi asked whilst tilting his head to his side "i mean why are you just here when you can be doing something else more important"

"what's more important ?" than hanging out with you..?

"i don't know anything else, i mean all im doing is studying, i mean you must be bored" shirabu said pushing the chair till he's infront of semi

"can i spin you ?" semi asked and shirabu thought a second "hm sure just don't make me fall" shirabu said and semi nodded

semi stood up and grabbed the spinning chair and started spinning shirabu

shirabu started laughing while gripping on the chair so he wouldn't fall "i feel like i'm gonna AHHH" shirabu fell and got ready to hit the floor when he felt an arm around him

"be careful shira, you almost fell for me" shirabu rolled his eyes "shut it playboy, now drop me i am ready to die" shirabu said closing his eyes

"if you insist" semi said but he still was holding shirabu, shirabu opened one eye and looked at semi "this is when you drop me so i can die" shirabu said and semi chuckled

"as if i'd ever kill you" semi said and shirabu sighed "if you're not drop me, then let me stand on my own" shirabu said semi sighed

"why would i, you look like an adorable baby OUCH WHYD YOU SLAP ME"

"because you said i look like an adorable baby, and for YOUR information i am a man" shirabu said and semi bursted into laughter

"yeah okay, you dEfiNiTeLy are a man" shirabu pouted and semi heart stopped holy shit that's so cute HUH i- no i didn't say that nope

"semi take your hands off me, you're way to rude" shirabu said but semi wasn't listening so shirabu sighed i didn't wanna resort to this but if i'm going down you're going down with me semi

shirabu kicked semis leg which made them both fall to the floor yay it worked now this fat bitch needs to get off of me

"fat bitch get off of me" shirabu said "IM NOT FAT" semi whined and shirabu rolled his eyes in annoyance

"hey quick question, why do your bangs look like th- OW STOP ABUSING ME" semi said when shirabu smacked him with a pan

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU EVEN GET A PAN" semi said and shirabu shrugged "i keep one under my bed just in case" shirabu said

"now get off of me, before i hit you again" semi immediately got up and helped shirabu up as well

"you're so violent shira" shirabu gasped "no i am not violent" and semi laughed "was that a joke ?" shirabu furrowed his eyebrows "shut up you're mean"

"i'm the mean one ? i- anyways are you gonna continue studying ?" semi asked and shirabu shook his head

"i've been studying for 2 hours, and i finished my homework, i'll probably read a book or something" shirabu said

"y-you read.." semi said "yes, is there a problem ?" the shorter male said "NO ahem i mean no" damn i wanna hang out with shirabu in public but i cant.. ugh

"hm im gonna finish eating my snacks" shirabu said going to his desk and grabbing his cookies and chips and say on his bed while he started eating it

"want some ?" shirabu asked and semi nodded, then shirabu patted beside him so semi can sit

"do you wanna watch a show ?" shirabu asked "sure, what show ?"

"it's attack on titan" shirabu said "never watched it" and shirabu gasped in shocked "y-you never watched it.." shirabu said and semi shook his head

"well we're gonna binge watch it" semi nodded, they both started eating their snacks while watching attack on titan

"HOLY SHIT WHY THE FUCK IS ERENS TITAN HOT" semi said and shirabu bursted out laughing

"d-did i say that out loud ?" semi asked and shirabu nodded "you think his titan is hot ?" shirabu asked and semi blushed by embarrassment

"i agree though, i don't understand how they can made a titan that hot, and levi is so hot" shirabu said and semi laughed

"i'm gonna have to agree with you" wait what the fuck am i saying, shit now he's gonna think i'm gay

shirabu sighed and continued watching the show "how about mikasa" semi asked and shirabu shrugged

"she's pretty" shirabu said and semi nodded i prefer boys but it's not like i'm ever gonna tell you playboy

lol i'm tired3 chapters in a day, i need a life 😔✊🏼 anyways goodnight sugar plum fairies 🧚‍♀️✨

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