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semi went back to his dorm after an hour later, when he went inside, he heard laughter coming from shirabus room

he reluctantly knocked on the door "come in" shirabu said once he slapped tendou in the back of his head

semi opened the door "hi guys" semi said as he smiled "oh hi semi san" shirabu said "hey semi semi" tendou said

"what are you both doing ?" semi asked and tendou started laughing and shirabu slapped the back of his head "shut up tendou" tendou rubbed the back of his head and pouted

"you're so mean shiraboo" "OI STOP CALLING ME THAT" shirabu said and tendou moved back which resulted him falling off the bed which made shirabu laugh hysterically

"are you okay tendou ?" semi asked as he went to help tendou up "i'm fine, thanks" tendou said smiling softly

they both looked at shirabu who was laughing, clutching his side, semi was infatuated with the sight but he shook his head to get rid of the thoughts

no you're straight, fuck i need to get laid semi thought to himself "i'll see you guys later" shirabu stopped laughing "okay bye semi san" shirabu said "bye semi semi" tendou said as he sat back down on shirabus bed

semi closed the door and walked to his room and pulled out his phone

can we go to a club ?

what if we get caught, you know it's bad for publicity

we won't, i just need to get laid

is it because of shirabu ? are you trying to convince yourself that you're heterosexual ?

no i'm not, i know i'm straight.. i think

if we get caught, it is your fault semi

yeah yeah i know

okay what time ?

at 8pm

fine, i will see you later

okay bye wakatoshi !


time skip 7:35pm ~

semi started getting ready, he put on a black sweater with no hoodie, and a collar shirt under, with black cuffed pants

the ash blond male sighed and left his room, he saw shirabu getting snacks, he subconsciously found himself smiling

"oi where are you going this late ?" shirabu asked, for some reason semi didn't wanna tell him the truth, but found himself telling the truth either way

"to a club with ushijima" semi said "a club ? oh okay, bye bye" shirabu said grabbing chips and headed back to his room

"bye shirabu" semi sighed, he looked at the time 7:51pm

knock knock

i guess ushijima is already here semi opened the door "hi ushijima, let's go" semi said and ushijima nodded, they both left the dorm and drove to a night club.

once they went inside the club, semi and ushijima went to the bar

keep in mind that they're 20 because they're in college so it's not underage drinking because the legal age is 20 in japan 🤺

"can i get scotch on the rocks" semi said and the bartender nodded "can i see your ID" semi nodded and gave him his ID, the guy looked at it then gave it back at got the drinks and gave it to semi

"would you like a drink ?" the bartender asked ushijima "no thank you" ushijima said

"you know you should drink semi, you have to go to college tomorrow" semi shrugged "it's fine, i'll just drink one" ushijima sighed

semi only drank alittle since he didn't wanna get drunk.

"hello handsome" semi looked at the female infront of him "hey" semi said with no expression on his face

"do you wanna get out of here ?" she asked and semi sighed and nodded

"how will you get back to the dorm ushijima" semi asked "i'll drive you to the dorm because i don't trust you" semi nodded

the three left the bar and ushijima drove back to the dorm, ushijima went back to his dorm and sighed you are so dumb sometimes semi..

semi and the female went back to this dorm, as soon as they went inside, the girl immediately pressed her lips against semis

semi didn't kiss back i-it feels weird.. i don't like it, no you have to.. you're straight

semi ended up kissing back and they both walked into semi room

semi didn't want to do it, but he wanted to convince himself he was straight, and he couldn't possibly have feelings for a male

especially one who hated him..

lol patiently writing chapters to finish this story so i can write this other fan fic :P

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