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i just prefer this version :P and ah the angst is beginning 🥲 it'll be short and the story is almost done

hopelessly devoted to you, glee cast version.

semi took a deep breath once the music started playing.

guess mine is not the first heart broken.. my eyes are not the first to cry... i'm not the first to know..

semi looked over at shirabu, and frowned

there's just no gettin' over you.. i know i'm just a fool who's willing, to sit around and wait for you.. but, baby can't you see ?, there's nothing else for me to do.

im hopelessly devoted to you.. but now there's nowhere to hide, since you pushed my love asideee

semi looked back at the crowd

im out of my head, hopelessly devoted to you.. hopelessly devoted to youuu, hopelessly devoted to you...

semi side eyed shirabu, and held the microphone tighter

my head is saying fool, forget him.. my heart is saying don't let go.. hold on till the end, that's what i intend to do

semi found himself softly smiling even though he knew shirabu at this point knew it was about it, and he was scared..

im hopelessly devoted to you.. but now there's nowhere to hide. since you pushed my love asideeee. im out of my head hopelessly devoted to you..

hopelessly devoted to you

semi looked directly into shirabus eyes and smiled softly.

hopelessly devoted to you...

semi looked down at the floor, then back at the audience, and everyone wooed and clapped, he smiled

semi sighed, he didn't want to look at shirabu, especially since he was nervous now that the song was over.

he side eyed over to the side of the stage, but shirabu wasn't there, semi then looked at tendou who shrugged and pointed where shirabu was

"thank you guys for coming, i love you all" semi said, then he left running to find shirabu.

"where is he ?" semi asked "i don't know but he went that way" tendou said pointing to the left, and semi nodded

he stopped in his tracks d-did he run away because he doesn't like me...

"he likes you" tendou said and semi looked back at him "are you sure ?" semi asked, not sure if he believes tendou "yes now go semi semi" semi nodded and ran.

semi looked around back stage but no luck.. where did he go..

semi then saw shirabu pacing back and forth "shira..?" semi said and shirabu stopped and turned around slowly

"semi san..?" he said nervously, semi started to walk towards him, but the copper haired started walking backwards which resulted his back against the wall

semi was infront of him, looking down at the shorter male "i'm.. sorry" semi said softly and looked down at the floor and shirabu breath hitched

"why.. are you sorry ?" shirabu stuttered since the male was in his personal bubble

"because im guessing you already know who i like.." semi said and shirabu took a deep breath

shirabu stayed quiet. this is it huh ? he hates me now.. that sentence kept on repeating on semis head

the copper haired male did like semi, and a lot but he was scared. h-hes just gonna play you.. right ?

"i-... i can't " with that shirabu ran away and left the ash blonde haired male looked up with a shock but sadness look plastered on his face 

"what..." semi said softly, tears threatening to escape.. don't leave me.. semis legs grew weak, he fell down on his knees

don't cry semi.. he kept repeating that but the tears he had been trying to hold in had escaped

he sobbed softly, he brought his hands to his face to wipe his tears but they kept streaming down his face rather forcefully.

i-i ruined everything.. he hates me.. b-but tendou said he l-liked me.. w-why'd he lie ..?

semi stood up and wiped his tears and took a deep breath, he left, after a few minutes ushijima went running where tendou said they were before he went running to chase shirabu.. however semi wasn't there

"no no.. don't tell me.." ushijima said

meanwhile with semi

semi drove to a nightclub, he knew what he was doing irrational but he couldn't go to the dorm, knowing he'd bump into shirabu since they had lived together.

when he arrived at the club, he went over to the bar, he kept on drinking, and he ended up grating drunk, a male went over to semi

"hey sexy" he said seductively "hi" he slurred "do you wanna get out of here he she said and semi shook his head disagreeing

"oh come on.. there's rooms in the club, we can hang out there" he said and semi was gonna protest but he was drunk

the guy grabbed semis wrist, and he helped semi walk over to one of the rooms in the club, semi kept saying no he didn't want to but the guy wasn't listening.

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