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i had a different song before but i'm changing it LMAO

training wheels by melanie martinez

semi took a deep breathe and looked at shirabu and smiled

"riding down, riding down my hand on your seat, the whole way round"

"i carry band-aids on me now, for when your soft hands hit the jagged ground" semi had started writing this song, at midnight

"wheels aren't even touching the ground, scared to take them off but they're so worn down, promise i won't push you straight to the dirt, if you promise not to take them off first"

shirabu had always insulted semi, though it was playfully, semi had gotten an idea for a song

"love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do, i wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you, i'll pull them off for you" semi smiled softly, remembering all his memories

"love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do, i wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you, i'll pull them off for you" semi admired how shirabu had no filter, saying what he means

"letting go, letting go telling you things you already know i explode, i explode asking you where you want us to go you've been riding two wheelers all your life
it's not like i'm asking to be your man, i wanna make you mine, but that's hard to say is this coming off in a cheesy way?" semi side eyed shirabu, and smiled softly

"love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do, i wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you, i'll pull them off for you" the crowd was wooing, semi hadn't write a song he felt a genuine connection to

"love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do, i wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you, i'll pull them off for you" semi loved shirabu, and he was ready to admit it, he was tired of lying to himself

"love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do, i wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you, i'll pull them off for you" he loved the way shirabu cursed him out, the way he didn't even know semi, he loved his stupid bangs and stupid adorable face

he was infatuated with shirabu, he wholeheartedly loved him, everything about shirabu was perfection to semi.

"love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do, i wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you, i'll pull them off for you" semi finished the song, he was frightened, what if shirabu didn't feel the same way ?

was he ready, to risk his whole friendship ..?

the crowd clapped, semi looked at shirabu who had  an unreadable expression, but semi quickly looked back at the audience when their eyes met

tendou elbowed shirabu softly "you know that song was about you shiraboo" tendou said and shirabu looked at him confused

"huh, why do you think that ?" shirabu asked and tendou face palmed himself

"because he literally looked at you while he was singing" tendou said

"yeah i know but that doesn't mean it was about me, because i'm pretty sure he's straight" tendou face palmed himself and was about to say something else when someone from the crowd yelled "WAS THAT SONG MEANT FOR SOMEONE ?"

semi froze, he didn't know if he should admit it, to tell the truth, semi didn't even wanna tell shirabu anymore..

"i-i um" semi looked at ushijima who mouthed 'just say the truth and tell them'

semi took a deep breathe, since he was holding the microphone, it kept shaking because of his hands

"erm.. yeah it is.." semi admitted into the mic nervously

"IS IT A BOY OR GIRL?" someone else asked "um a boy.." semi said, his heart pace kept quickening "SO YOURE GAY ?" someone else yelled and semi nodded

"WE SUPPORT YOU BUT WHO IS IT" semi smiled "thank you guys for supporting me.. and i don't know if i wanna say his name.. i'll tell you when i'm ready" he said scratching the back of his neck anxiously

"OKAY YOU CAN TELL US WHEN YOURE READY" another one yelled "thank you guys" semi said smiling softly

"SING ANOTHER SONG SEMI" someone yelled and semi chuckled "okay okay i will" semi said before chuckling softly and the crowd yelled in excitement which made semi smile

he then went over to ushijima to tell him which song to sing, ushijima nodded

semi looked at shirabu who still had the same unreadable expression, semi gulped and looked away then sighed

good thing i wrote two songs instead of just one..

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