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"GET OFF OF ME" semi said loudly as he pushed the girl off of him "w-what do you mean ?" she said

"you literally push me to the wall for no reason AND THEN FORCED ME TO KISS YOU" semi screeched

"i-i-i'm sorry" semi scoffed "you weren't sorry when you forced yourself on me now were you, don't ever touch me or go near me, or you'll hear from my lawyers got it ?" semi said and the girl nodded and left running

semi sighed and went to the bathroom to wash his mouth god that was so disgusting. once semi finished rinsing his mouth and sighed and left the bathroom

he saw ushijima walking towards him "semi" he said right before smacking him in the back of his head, ushijima never hits semi but he was getting ushijima mad

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR" semi said "your manager told you to stop toying around with females and what do you do ? stick your tongue down a girls throat, god semi are you stupid" ushijima said and semi was utterly shocked

"how-" "shirabu told me when i asked where you were" semi face palmed himself

"it was like that, she pushed me to the wall and forced a kiss on me, and shirabu probably didn't see me push her off of me, and then i went to the bathroom to wash my mouth because it was disgusting" semi said

ushijima sighed in relief "oh thank god" "WAAAIT SHIRABU SAW ME" ushijima nodded

"shit what if he hates me even more now, damn it" now i definitely have no chance with hi-... damnit, stop lying to yourself semi ugh

semi rubbed his head, he kept telling himself he was straight but that wouldn't explain why he felt things around shirabu, he didn't feel around females.

"so you care if he hates you ? just admit you like him, and i thought i was the dense one" ushijima said once he sighed

"shut up, don't you like tendou" semi said "yes i do, atleast i can admit that" ushijima said walking away, semi ran after him

"WAIT USHIJIMA DOES HE KNOW" semi said as he ran to catch up to him

"no, just because i have come to terms that i like him does not mean i am going to tell him" ushijima said
"you should tell him" semi said and ushijima sighed

"i'll tell him once you come to terms that you like shirabu" ushijima said "i don't like shira" semi said crossing his arms

"weren't you just freaking out because you were saying shirabu probably hates you" "n-no i didnt" semi lied through his teeth

ushijima sighed "i am not telling satori then" "FINE i-i... erm i think i like shirabu.." semi said softly

"you think ? if it's not an i know, then i am not telling satori" semi groaned in annoyance and put his hands on his face and sighed

he rested his hands on his hips "i know i like shirabu kenjiro" semi said as he looked at ushijima

"good job, i am still not telling satori" "WHAAAT BUT I ADMITTED I LIKED HIM" semi said and ushijima shrugged

"i just said that to make you admit you like him" ushijima said turning around to look at semi

"so you don't like tendou ?" semi asked "oh no i do like him, i just still won't tell him, especially since i do not know if he likes me back" ushijima said turnig to look straight and continued walking to his dorm

"b-but you said if i-" "i know what i said, my apologies for lying, but it was getting annoying that you would not admit your feelings, and because of your actions, shirabu thinks you're a play boy"

"how do you know that ?" semi asked "i have a feeling, i don't think he's gonna trust you.. so good luck on trying to get him" ushijima said walking inside his dorm leaving semi alone

semi sighed and walked to his dorm, once he went inside he saw shirabu there

do i tell him it was a misunderstanding ? he probably wouldn't care.. but i don't want him to think of me as a fuckboy

hm how would i even say it "hey shirabu, when you thought you saw me sticking my tongue down at the girls throat, it was a misunderstanding, she forced herself on me

but it's okay, i forgive you for assuming the worst", no i cant say that. ugh my brain hearts what brain OI that was rude, tch leave me alone you damn voice

no i- why not i will not leave you alone till you confess to shirabu he doesn't even trust me and whos fault is that ?

yours ? i mean you are me, you're just a voice in my head touché but it's not my fault, it's your fault for being stupid

um rude, if i'm stupid than you're stupider no you

"semi are you okay ?"

anyways my cat scratched me 🥲

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