The Dramatic Prank

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(This story is made my sister, KaitouLilyMaria303. Enjoy :>)

Queen - Ok so we will be pranking Joker and the other boys! Who is with me?!

Kira - Yes!! Haha I will prank Joker so hard! 

Ai - Um I guess....

Kira - Now that's the spirit!

Rose - Oki but what do we do in a prank? 

Rei - Ok. A prank means you will rui-  

Queen - You will make someone laugh yeah... anyways lets do this! 

Later that day....

Queen - Joker! We challenge you and the other boys to another rematch! 

Joker - Sure! But don't come crying when you all loose! Hahah! 

Kira - Well you don't come crying to us Joker! 

Ai - Uh the winner gets one treasure each from all the other team members...

Rose - And we will pr-

Rei - Party! Yeah 

Spade - Ok? 

Queen - The game is still the same the escape room. 

Random Announcer - Now we are here again to do another rematch! Now we must see if the boys will win again or the girls will win! Now start!

*The boys go inside the room first..* While the girls....*

Queen - Come on girls let's go to the back already but don't go inside the room! Hehhe

Kira - Yes we will be rich! 

Shadow - Done! Huh?

Joker - Wait what?! The girls went first before us! How!

Rose - Yay! You all should laugh cause this is a pr- 

Rei - PARTY! 

Ai - Uhh..

Queen - Come on give us some treasures! 

*after they give some treasures..* 

Ai - Uh you can say it now Rose... 

Rose - Oki! We pranked you! Yay laugh now! 

Basically It's Kaitou Joker Book 2Where stories live. Discover now