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Phoenix - I need to find a place to leave Hosshi for a while. I am going to take forever on my trip...

Hosshi - HOSSHI

Phoenix - Oh look! A pet-care place!

*walks inside*

Joker with an annoyed expression - Hello, welcome to PetnCare, how may I help you today?

Phoenix - JOKER?

Joker - what? Can't I have another job?

Shadow - no we cannot-

Phoenix - SHADOW? What are you both doing here?

Shadow and Joker - We broke Rose's favorite statue, so now we are saving up to fix it

Phoenix - oh okay, can you take care of Hosshi?

Hosshi - HoOoSsShHIiIIIi

Joker - Nope, not today *jumps out the window*

Shadow - Joker nooo T-T how will we earn money?

Basically It's Kaitou Joker Book 2Where stories live. Discover now