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Lilian - this chapter serves as a short break for poor old Joker-

Queen - wut is siblings like?

Shadow - fun and stressful at the same time

Spade - If you include Dump as my brother... then its all right-

Hacchi - I have how many siblings and I have no idea why am I here-

Phoenix - awww your all lucky. I want a mini version of me too T^T

Rose - Well not all siblings looks like each other. Like Onichan and me.

Hyakkimaru - Yah. Some siblings look different from one another-

Phoenix - why? U homans are so complicated-

Spade - If u wanna learn more go to school Phoenix

Phoenix - okie!!!

Shadow - didnt knew he'd want to go to school but meh. Not my problem

Lupin - Agreed. Now. Where is Joker?

Joker - This is the life. A big swimming pool all to myself. And of course an unlimited supply of CuRrY just for ME!

Lilian - ur over using your power here Joker-

Ryuna - Agreed... were supposed to be reacting right now

Joker - eh. It can wait. I need to eat Currrh first

Basically It's Kaitou Joker Book 2Where stories live. Discover now