What Happened to Queen? In a Nutshell

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Just re-watched some episodes. Starting from season 1 uwu. I guess the line is a bit familiar, huh

Joker - Master, what happened to Queen?

Silver Heart - The evil Clown lied to her...

Joker - But you hid the truth from her in the first place.

Silver Heart - Why are you saying it's my fault?

Joker - I am not saying it is your fault, I am saying it is both your fault master, and Queen's fault.

Silver Heart - Fault of what?

Joker - Dragging me into this mess of yours, and telling me to deal it for you.

Hacchi - It's not that hard, Mr. Joker...

Joker - Well, why not call Spade to deal with it?

Silver Heart - Nah. Spade is busy...

On the other side of the world or something...

Spade - Someone is talking about me....

Basically It's Kaitou Joker Book 2Where stories live. Discover now