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Lilian - so we got extra stuff?

Liam - uh huh

Lilian - alright then, shoot away!

Lilian - alright then, shoot away!

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Lilian - who is popee the performer???

Millenia - I'll check-

Lilian - *reads wiki page* ohhh I haven't heard nor seen this-

Millenia - same. What shall we do then?

Lilian - hmmm... since its a meet and greet type, might as well place it in the new upcoming book. That way, I have more time to learn about this.

Millenia - alright. Shall I call Joker and get Zero to style a maid dress?

Lilian - yes you should...

*not a minute later*

Joker - I thought the book was done!!!

Lilian - it is. It just so happens there is a few stuff u missed out on-

Joker - please tell me I don't have to wear that?!

Zero - sorry Joker. A dares a dare

Lupin - what is taking so long?

Spade - I wanna sleep-

Queen - here he comes!

*Joker walks in the room in a maid outfit. A cat maid outfit to be precise*


Spade - I have no comment-


Rose - it's cute Jack! Right Lupin? Lupin?

Lupin - *///* 'faints'

Rose - uh oh

Dump - don't see this everyday-

Lilian - I love the snowman song! I could just animate it as well, like the Dance for a while meme.

Autumn - u sure?

Lilian - yah! Exams are next week, and boom I'm free!

Autumn - sure... what about the last one? Meeting Friday night funkin?

Lilian - well tbh... I only heard about it... I haven't played or even watched someone play it

Autumn - WHAT?! Gurl ur so left behind-

Lilian - meh. I mean, I do know there is girlfriend?

Autumn - looks like this isn't completely over-

Lilian - Hmmm so we gotta do 1 day with Circus, Meet Kindred AU? And Shadow has to babysit Comet. 2 videos, 1 Friday Funkin thingy- and meet with popee the performer?

Autumn - yes- you have loads of pending

Lilian - I know... I put sticky notes

Autumn - u placed it on Ben didn't you?

Ben - yes she did-

Lilian - alright... the 2 videos might be done by June first week or by the last week of May if Im quick enough. The release of the KJ meet and greet book is on June 16... so I need the drafts done by then. The 3 new books omygosh I nearly forgot! Okay, so KJ The After show is one of it... then that book, then... what was the other book?

Ben - idk. U had too many to count-

Lilian - okay don't panic-

Liam - anyways yah! The rest of the meets will be on the new book KJ Meet and Greet! Releasing this June 16 :3 that's all and this is really the end of the second book UuU

Basically It's Kaitou Joker Book 2Where stories live. Discover now