When the Sky Joker is on Fire...

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Phoenix = The cause of the Fire

Lupin and Spade = Making sure everyone made it out.

Queen and Ai = Removing debree so others can pass through easily.

Ruko and Hosshi = Are already out of the ship.

Cap. Blue = Scared for his life

Shadow = Making sure his siblings are okay. Also calls Aura to make sure she is alive and well.

Rose = Is to amused at how the Sky Joker is burning

Dump = Reashurring everyone that he'd pay for the damage.

Spider Ace - Ran out of coffee, so now he is crying for his mommy.

Hyakkimaru - Called Twilight to make sure she wasn't near them, just in case if the Sky Joker falls down to earth pr ground.

Hacchi = Getting all of Jokers treasures to safety

Joker = Making sure his curry is safe

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