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Joker - What a splendid day today! So Lilian, what are we gonna do today? Another Joker reacts?

Spade - or some random stuff?

Queen - or roleplay!

Lilian - sorry guys- Im feeling a bit down today

Joker - why?

Spade - do you need to talk it out?

Shadow - or kill it out-


Shadow - what?

Lilian - no Im fine- I think- I dunno

Spade - we'll always be here

Lilian - of course you all will. Its just that- how do I say this? You know when someone you love says something hurtful to you? Either a friend or family or your classmates or something?

Joker - why? Did they say Curry sucks?!

Lilian - not like that- It's just that I feel like no one is supporting this writing career of mine. Well, besides my sister, twinny and Autumn-

Spade - what about your friends here in Wattpad?

Lilian - oh I know they support me. like I support them. But what I meant to say is that. I just don't feel like- continuing anymore-

Queen - no! Why?!

Rose - don't go!

Lilian - huh? Who said I'm leaving?

Spade - your not?

Lilian - yes of course! I'm here to stay! What I meant was that I don't feel like continuing to bicker and bother about those people who don't support me or just straight up hate me

Joker - so now that's out of the way, can we have curry now?

Shadow - whatever.

Lilian - hehe, hey Spade?

Spade - yes?

Lilian - can you also be my therapist?

Phoenix - since when do you need those?

Lilian - now would be a great time-

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