Joker's Q and A

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Lilian - welcome everyone to a special KJ chapter! Where we answer your questions you sent in the previous chapter!

Ryuna - so what now?

Joker - Dunno. Do I just answer the questions?

Lilian - yes you do. Ryuna, since you're here, why not ask first?

Ryuna - sure thing! Joker, who would you pick, (Your name)-san or Curry?

Joker - *thinking long and hard*

Lilian - is it a really hard decision?

Joker - totally no-

Ryuna - then wut is your answer?

Joker - Normally I would say Curry, but it's (Your name)-san. So I have to say no to Curry!

Lilian - good to know alright next question!

Ryuna - what is your opinion on me?

Joker - well first and foremost, really skilled and an amazing friend. You always seem to make everyone laugh for some reason and cheer up people.

Lilian - alrighty then next question :)

Ryuna - okay, would rather be in a room with cats, or dealing with your fangirls?

Joker - That is easy- none

Lilian - nope you HAVE to pick one Joker...

Joker - T^T Maybe the cats? Since I can distract them, unlike the fangirls-

Ryuna - for once that sounded smart

Lilian - agreed. I am so afraid of fangirls or boys- either cuz they know a lot about me or because I am one-

Ryuna - moving forward, What is the one thing you hate about Spade and Queen?

Joker - they aren't listening right?

Lilian - no don't worry

Joker - For Queen, it's easy... She drives me insane whenever I have to save her for masters sake- what happened to being independent-

Queen *pops out of nowhere* - says the one who needs a small maid to clean and cook for him!

Hacchi - I am not a maid!!!

Joker - You're just jealous I have an amazing apprentice.

Queen - you have the worst apprentice yet! Ruko can do so much more than that little kid!

Lilian - okay-

Joker - and for Spade? It's that he has how many fangirls- like what does he have that I don't?

Ryuna - He is respectful

Lilian - amazingly considerate and patient

Both girls - and the best person to come into the series

Joker - why am I here-

*Technical Difficulties*

Lilian - alright next question...

Ryuna - who is your favorite Kaitou Joker author?

Joker - hmmm. I have no favorites. All these writers of Kaitou Joker are amazing in their own talented ways! I can't pick favorites!

Lilian - aww that's so sweet *wipes tears away*

Joker - um okay? Next question-

Ryuna - alright then, What is your opinion on Lilian x Spade???

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