Cyan II

110 9 1

Lilian - Writing Fever!!!

Shadow - Presenting the new Cyan II. 'Whispers' and aslo. Dont mention you know what...

Rose - if you do ThErE aRe CoNsEqUenCes

Cyan II - Hewo?

Joker - Hi Cyan II! Im your uncle Joker!

Cyan II - Uncwle

Queen - And Im your auntie!

Spade - And thats your great grandpa. 'Points at Silver Heart.'

S. Heart - Indeed I am- WAIT. I AM NOT THAT OLD?!

Phoenix - WHAHAHAHHA Even I am older than you all!

Dump - here is some money Cyan II.

Cyan II - Mowney!

Cap. Blue - aww he is so cute!

All - yup!

Basically It's Kaitou Joker Book 2Where stories live. Discover now