Outside World

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*inspired by a tictoc-*

Joker - *yawns* hey Hacchi please plug the wifi in so I can play some Minecraft already

Hacchi - Mr. Joker, we didn't pay the bills yet

Joker - then pay it

Hacchi - why don't u go outside while I pay the bills?

Joker - fineeee *walks outside*

Joker - wow Im outside... well what can I do here? Oh I can look at the birds- but thats boring

Phoenix - T^T

Joker - look at the trees, its soo... green.... ew

Joker - *walks a bit more* is that a caterpillar???!!! Nope *walks the other way*

Only 5 seconds later

Joker - nature... its... disgusting Im going back inside

Spade - how dare u say that to the world we live in!

Joker - no offense Spade but Im more of an indoor person

Spade - sure whatever couch potato

Joker - its "Miracle Maker Couch Potato" get it right

Hacchi - I shouldn't have had payed the bills-

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