
110 9 18

Joker - WAAAAAHKKKK- Good Morning!

Queen - Good somewhat morning to you too Joker 

Spade - Your late, Joker

Joker - Oh? I never had a schedule for waking up Spade

Shadow - Sure

Joker - So what's for breakfast?

Queen - Cake

Spade - Cereal 

Shadow - Darkness

Rose - nothing

Joker - Nothing?!

Rose - Nothing. Hacchi is on vacation and none of us knows how to cook

Joker - then where is Ai?

Shadow - She joined Hacchi's vacation

Joker - Then the others?

Queen - Left us to suffer with no breakfast

Spade - We could just order food

All - Nahhhh

Joker - Ordering food would be a waste of time!

Queen - and it isn't right for us to order food! We can cook ourselves!

Only 14 seconds later...

Joker - Im ordering pizza

Rose - Agreed

Shadow - Who has the fire extinguisher?

Spade - I am just going to pretend nothing bad happened

Queen - We aren't good at cooking, that's for sure

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