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Joker - so tell me, there is these things called AU and Canon?

Lilian - yah, like its canon that your a Phantom Thief Joker, and its an AU when u are a prince.

Joker - ohh what about you?

Lilian - well Im the canon version. Though I have alternate selves in different universes.

Joker - really?

Lilian - yah. Actually, in a different universe, my name isn't Lilian. It's actually Kara Goodwin. In another dimension, my names Rhei Spar

Joker - so Rhei is basically u?

Lilian - yup! But were completely different to one another! 

Joker - okay? So Im also different in different AU's right?

Lilian - yes! Tbh Kara is the closest personality to me IRL

Joker - good to know :)

Basically It's Kaitou Joker Book 2Where stories live. Discover now