Voting Time!

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Lilian - To those who are going to join the Oc Collab hosted by me, we need to have a better way of communicating your ideas to one another :>

Lilian - So, we will have a voting on what social media platform we will use to communicate to one another. 

Lilian - All u have to do is comment on what social media u have. Like whenever u comment in the previous chapters. 

Lilian - On phone, hold the word or text a bit long until it has a setting where in u can comment. U know what I mean. It is so hard to explain something haha XD.

Lilian - If u do not know how... u may use google to search how to comment on what social media platform u have.

Lilian - If u have all, type in the all-in-all comments 'I have all' or something like that. If u only have a few of them well thats okay. Just comment on what u have. That is all I am asking TuT

Lilian - To tell the truth, I don't even have some other social medias but whatever has the most will be the chosen social media platform for us to communicate. 

Lilian - So let the voting begin!

- Messenger




-U don't have any besides Wattpad

-Others, specify wut :>

Lilian - Yah thats all I could think of hehe :>

Lilian - U may be thinking why we need this. Its because all of u dear writers have amazing ideas. But with all of u privately messaging me in wattpad inbox, it's hard to know if the other writers like the idea or want to add something.

Lilian - Thats all my ranting today XD. See u soon!!!

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