chapter 11: sulky cutie

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Ae pov:

    Me and my friends came to beach. We played in the beach and enjoyed. I went to sit alone on the shore watching sunset..
Pete will like it for sure if he's here... What are you doing Pete??... Do you miss me??......i will just call him..

Pete - hello khab...

Ae - Pete!!! ... What are you doing???...

Pete - nothing khab ae!! Doing homework.....

Ae - okay.... Do you want anything from here....

Pete - nothing khab ae.... How's the match today?? ... You didn't tell me...

Ae - it's good Pete... Errr... Err...

Pete - what is it ae??

Ae -I.... I.. I miss you....

Pete - ( blushing)... Me too ai ae.... When will you come back ... ..

Ae - I will come day after Tomorrow... Eat well... Don't skip Breakfast... Otherwise I will be mad at you...

Pete - khab ae!!!..

Ae - okay then byee..... See you soon...

Pete - byee khab..

He ended the call. What is this feeling Pete??... I didn't see you only for hours but I miss you so badly.... When ever I hear your voice now... My heart flattered for a second.. Maybe I don't see you as a friend... I don't have this kind of feeling towards pond or can.... I always want to take care of you.... By all these thoughts on my mind I went back to my friends.

Pete pov :

     I am waiting for ae 's call so badly... I didn't hear the lecture also ,my mind was on the phone all time.

    Should I call him??? He might be playing....

  In the evening ae called me and I am very happy.... He will be back soon... I laughed to myself and went to sleep.

Next day...

I went to school and came back.. I was waiting for ae's call but he didn't yet.. Maybe he's tired.... He will be back tomorrow.... I tried to sleep but I can't.... Let me call ai pond..

Pond - heloo Pete!!

Pete - hello pond khab...

Pond - what is it Pete...

Pete - I want to know if ae 's tired.... If he's tired just take care of him for me... Please khab...

Pond - why would he will be tired.... He is enjoying in the water...

Pete - aow...... Didn't he play football today???... He isn't tired..

Pond - why will he play football Pete??... We are with our friends on the beach trip.... He is playing in the water... Maybe forget to call you...

Pete - ae went to beach with friends????... ....... But he said there is a match....

Pond - pete!!! There's no match... We are on trip... I will tell ae to call you okay...

Pete - no.. No... Khab don't disturb him.... And..... Don't tell him that I called you...... Okay

Pond - okay okay.... I won't say to him.....

Pete - thank you khab pond.....

Pond - okay then byee.... We will return Tomorrow morning...

Pete - khab pond.... Byee~~

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