chapter 28: forever

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Pete pov :

       I woke up and didn't find ae beside me. " Ae khab... Ae.... " I called him. No answer. What happened to him. I searched for him everywhere in the house. I didn't find him. I found a note at last beside my bed. " Iam busy today.... I went to work early.. I prepared breakfast for you, heat it up and eat... Love you.... Your ae " I read it and smiled. " Love you too ae... " I said and went to shower. I ate the breakfast.

      Breakfast is special today unlike daily. Today I went to office. I studied some cases. Last year bomb blast till not solved yet. I sighed. I ate my lunch with my seniors and it's evening already. Some one came to me  with a box.

  " You are pete pitchaya... " He asked. I nodded. " Then this is for you sir.... " He said and handed me the box and went. I took the box. I opened it. There is a suit in it with a slip.

  " Wear it and come here.... Ae" I read. What are you trying to do ai ae... The suit is pretty cool. I smiled at it. I wore it and went to the place ae said. The place is rushy and filled with people. There is a heart symbol which is exact in front of a big long screen. I went and stood on the heart.


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      It's dark already

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      It's dark already. Suddenly everyone stopped walking. All the lights were focused on the long screen and on me. Everyone was looking at me. I don't know what's happening. Suddenly the screen started showing the words. I looked at screen and read them.

    " Today is the day when I met you at the park..... ( next slide)... Today is the day when our friendship started.... ( next slide)... I don't know that day... That you are the love of my life. ( next slide)..... I don't know that day, that I can love a person more than anything else in this world.... And that person is you... ( next slide)... But I decided that day....... I should take care of this person ... I don't know if I took care of you well all these years.. I may not be perfect.. ( next slide).. But I love you Pete.... ( my eyes we're filled with tears).. So I want to make this special day more special....." Slides stopped and all lights focused on one person.
          It's ae..... Ae looked so good in that dress. He looked manly. He walked to me. Everyone was clapping their  hands.

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