chapter 23: waiting

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Pete pov :

I am busy lately. I am not getting time to spend with ae. He is waiting like a tiger to attack on me. I got a new case to handle. My senior detective assigned me to catch the culprit. He handed me the cctv footage. I should catch the culprit. The culprit stabbed someone and murdered them. It's already late night. I was sitting on my bed and watching the cctv footage focused. Ae came beside me and leaned to head board. Ae was checking on me.

Ae waited and waited patiently. He came near to me. Hugged me and started kissing my cheek. He gently turned my face to him and started kissing on lips. His kisses got hotter. He trailed down his kisses to my neck. I was melting in his kisses. I should stop him, I don't want to stop but I got a work to do.

" A.. Ae.....wait for.. Two minutes naa khab...... " I said to him while resisting him. He stopped kissing me and looked at me. " I can't wait pete... I miss you so much... " He said and started kissing me again. " I... I know khab... B.. But.. Wait for two minutes.... " I said to him again with inch of hope. " Why...." He asked without stopping kissing me.

" I .. I have work naa khub... " I said while losing myself in his kisses.

" Do it later...... I want you now.... " He said while breathing heavily.

" Then..... Help me.. Naa khub... I can finish it faster... Hmm.... " I said. He looked at me. "What help.. " He asked. "I have to find the this footage... Will you help me.. " I asked while showing footage to him.

He sat straight and looked at the footage. " This one... " He said. I nodded. " Let's find it fast....because I can't wait so long.... " He said with an evil smirk. Ae and me were focused in the footage. He sighed. " What happened khab ae..... " I asked him. " This video is edited Pete... Someone professional did it... We can't find the culprit... " He said.

" How did you find it khab ae.... " I asked him curiously. " Well... See here... In 3:45 sec.. This person is standing here... ( I nodded).... But in 3:46 sec... The person is not there any more. Where did he went in one sec.... " He explained. " You are right khab ae.... are saying that...... " I said .

" Yes.... This video is hacked.. " He said casually. " What are you saying khab ae..... " I asked him.

" If you want to find the culprit... I can find him for you..... " He added. " Really.. Khab.... How... " I asked him in excitement. " It's simple Pete..... Go and get my laptop.... " He ordered me. " Khab... " I said and bought his laptop.

" I will just hack the another cctv which is on the other side of road which is seen in this footage... " He smiled and started working in his laptop. He is typing so fast and a large number of codes are appearing in his screen. " Pete.... Say me the road no.... " He asked me while typing. " I checked the road no and said to him. " It's no 5 ... Khub ". He smirked. " Now..... In 5 sec we will get the video....... Which day.... " He asked. " Yesterday khab.... " I said. He searched for files which shown automatically on his screen. He clicked one of them and showed it to me. " Here.... This is it... " He said to me with a victory smile.

I looked into the video.. It's the same road and same time but with different angle.... I checked the previous footage and this footage , only one person was no there in the previous footage... Yes.... He is the culprit... I found him at last.

" Yayy..... Thank you khab ae.... " I shouted in joy and hugged him.

" Are you happy now..... " Ae asked me while hugging me back. " Thank you naa khab.... " I said to him. He parted and closed  his laptop. " Here.... Put it back in my hacking bag and put yours away too... Come soon.. Babe.. I can't wait... " He said while the beast inside him is coming out. I kept his laptop in his bag and mine on the working desk. I went back to bed.

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