chapter 41: marriage...

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Ae pov:

    We reached home... My body had no strength left. Pete was carrying me.

Pete - ae khab... Should I call P tharn??..

Ae - no need...iam hungry Pete..

Pete - dinner will be ready in five minutes khab.... You go and take a shower..

I went to shower and came... I sat on dining table... Pete served me food..

Pete - here... Khab ae.. Your favourite shrimp soup..

I tried to lift the spoon... But I was very tired.. My hands were shaking..

Pete saw and he started crying... He came beside me and started feeding me...

I wiped his tears...

Pete - lets go to hospital khab... ( sob)... I can't see you hurt khab ae...

Ae - no need Pete.. I will be alright....

I finished the bowl of soup... Pete was about to get up.. I caught his hand..

Ae - I am still hungry Pete...

Pete - I will bring more.... Just a minute khab...

He brought more food and fed me...

Pete - do you want more khab???..

Ae - iam full Pete!!!....

Pete - khab... Go and sleep.. I will come and treat your wounds.. Don't wear shirt khab...

Ae - okay Pete... Eat and come fast... I miss you..

Pete blushed and said " Khab ae "

I went and thrown myself on bed and laid on my stomach... I was tired and quickly went to sleep...

I woke up when I felt pain on my back...

Ae - ahhh...

Pete - iam sorry... Iam sorry khab..( sob)... Is it hurting khab..

Pete was treating my wounds...

Ae - don't cry Pete!!.... It's not that hurting...

Pete - you are lying...( sob)... These whip marks are so big.... ( sob)... I am sure you are in lot of pain...

I felt cold tears rolling on my back...

Ae - don't cry Pete... Iam okay... Just do it quick..

He nodded.. And treated all my wounds..

He was about to get up... I pulled him back and made sleep beside me... I can't turn over my back so I laid on his chest... And went to sleep...

He was patting my hair and held me tightly in his arms...

I was thirsty and woke up...

Ae - Pete!!!... Iam thirsty.. Bring me some water babe....

No reply...

I opened my eyes.. He was not beside me... I pushed myself out of bed and searched for Pete...

He was sitting beside kitchen counter and was crying...

Ae - Pete!!!...

He looked at me... I went and sat in front of him...

I wiped his tears..

Ae -why are you crying here???... Come .. Get up...

I carried him to bed and made him sit... He was still crying and shaking...

I L U Only Ae!!! ❤ ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now