chapter 3 : drunk ....

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In the office ....

Alex pov :

I went to office and p pete is already there .... It's not time yet ??... He is one hour before !!... I went to my place and took the files which i found yesterday in home .... Finally .... I forget things often because my head got hurt once in an accident .....

I went to p Pete's cabin with the evidence file .... He is talking on the phone facing the window ... I knocked on the door ....

P pete - come in ....

I smiled and went in .... I stood in front of his table ...

He ended the call and turned around .... I am just stunned looking at him .... He is so handsome ..... I hid my blush and smiled ...who won't fall for p pete ??...

who won't fall for p pete ??

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P pete - what is it ??...

I shook my head and looked at him .... He sat in his chair and opened his files checking them ...

P pete - why are you here ??....

Alex - P ..... I found this file wanted it right !!....

P pete - give it here ....

He took the file and checked it ....

P pete - okay .... Go back to work and don't be careless at work ....

I smiled and nodded .... I went back to my place and did the remaining work ...... At lunch p tin and p can invited me to eat with them .... I went to them and sat ... They are good and iam comfortable with them ....

Alex - where is P pete P ??...

P tin - he ......he ....

P can - he ate already nong ...

Alex - already P ??....

They nodded .... After lunch we worked again ... It's 7 pm already .... Iam packing my bags .... I peeked at p pete ... He is still working ....... I am looking at him and went to turn off lights in my place .... I accidently turned off the mains.... Oh shit ....

I heard a voice's a scream actually came from p Pete's cabin ...he screamed " AE !!!....."

I turned on my flash light and switched ON the mains again ...... P tin and p can rushed to p Pete's cabin ..... I went there .... P pete is shaking and breathing heavily ...... He look scared and his cheeks are filled with tears .... P tin hugged his head and patting him .....

P tin - it's okay .... It's okay pete ..... Calm down .....

P can went to p Pete's bag and took out a head set ..... He went and gave to p tin ....p tin made p pete wear it ..... P pete wiped his tears and closed his eyes breathing heavily .....

P tin - it's okay's alright ...

P tin is patting his hair ...... After sometime .... P pete is okay now ..... P tin came out and yelled ...

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