chapter 34 : who's that??

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Pete pov :

     I was sleeping.... Ae was cuddling me. I was about to go sleep. Deli sent a message to my phone.. " Thank you for your help " .... I replied " It's okay khab.. " . I turned off the phone and went to sleep. We both were tired.. We just returned to our apartment after marriage. I just thought about the incident which was happened before mine and ae's photo printed on news paper.

Flash back...

   I cleaned the ae's wound. Ae arranged his working room in our apartment. With many screens and devices.. Of course my husband is a hacker... He should have his own working room. Ae is only one step closer to title " Professional hacker " ..
Ae was taking rest. I was preparing lunch..

   Someone was at the door. I went and opened. It's deli. She was shaking and sweating..

   Deli - pete...

Pete - deli.. What happ...

She hugged me. She was crying.

Pete - deli what happened khab...

Deli - Pete!!!... I have a problem..

I allowed her. She sat on couch.. I gave her water..

Pete - what happened deli....

She turned to me and held my hands..

Deli - p.. Pete..

Ae - hey... What are you doing here??....

Ae shouted while coming to hall..

Pete - calm down khab ae... She is  scared already....

Ae - Pete.... Say her to get out.. I don't like her...

Pete - calm down khab... ( I turned to deli).... What happened will you tell me now...

She looked at ae...

Pete - ae... You go to rest khab...

Ae - i won't until she leaves..

Pete - ae ~~~ please naa.. Naa..

Ae - fine!!!....

Ae went to rest back... Deli turned to me and started saying..

Deli - Pete kha... Someone's blackmailing me...( sob).. They forged my photos and blackmailing me to give them money...( sob )... Iam scared kha...
I don't know what to do kha...

Pete - who 's that deli.... Do you have any suspects....

Deli shook her head. Deli phone rang.... It's an unknown number..

She started panicking.." They are calling again kha...what to do... " She said.

Pete - pick it up and turn on the speaker...

She picked the call and  turned on speaker...

" Heyy girl... Is the amount ready... " They asked.

Deli - n.. No kha.. I will arrange them soon....

They - you better arrange them soon little girl... Or your photos will be on every news paper...

Deli - n.. No.. No... I will arrange them kha...

They ended the call... Deli looked at me...

Deli - what do I do Pete!!!... Iam scared....

Pete - calm down ... First you drink water... Let's discuss about this..

Ae - what you both will discuss... Huh??... It's a cyber threat ... I know about these cases.. I also worked on  many of them.... Normally they will ask of money... Or to revenge..

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