chapter 40 : you are trapped....

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Pete pov :

      I came to our apartment and cleaned our home again. It should be neat, when ae comes home... I cleaned everything and took a shower. I laid on bed on my side thinking about ae... How should I get you out of there ae khab???.... I still can't believe that my father and brother are behind all this... But I don't care... Because even the whole world comes after ae to me!!!. I was tired and went to sleep... It may be the first time from last month... I slept without crying... I went to deep sleep.

In Pete's dream..

A spy to king....

Spy - your majesty... Prince Pete has been roaming with a common man lately... Seems they love each other...

King - stop it.... Don't let anyone know this... Okay.. Tomorrow is his throne ceremony... I will lose my face if people know that my son is loving a man....

Spy - yes majesty...

Spy left the room.. King called his second son..

Park- what is it father??... Why you called me..

King - prince park... I thinking about making you king instead of Pete...

Park - why your majesty... Brother is capable to be a king!!.

King - no.... You should be the king... Kill your brother's lover... Then you will be king... The kingdom will be yours...

Park - what are you talking father???.... I... I love my brother , I can't kill the person, who my brother loves the most.....also... I am not interested in throne!!..

King - either you should be the king or.... I will kill your loved ones.....

Park - no!!!!.... Father... Don't do that...

King - go and kill your brother's lover......

Park - but father... Entire kingdom will know..

King - he is just a common man... Kingdom won't know...

Park - but what will happen if we kill him???...

King - your brother loves him so much.... He will be heartbroken.. He wont realize anything but his lovers death... Just go and kill him..... Also.. If you try to save them!!.. You know what can I do???...

Park - okay father...

Park was talking to ae... I saw him from my room and went to ae from behind... I hugged ae from behind and said " I love you ae.... " .

   Park was holding the sword and he was stabbing ae through the heart which he didn't notice I was behind so it travelled through my heart tooo... " Arghh... " We both growled in pain...

   Ae turned to my side and cupped my face and asked " What did you said??.. " .. I replied " I love you khab ae ".

He replied " I love you too... " . He hugged me to his heart and we both fell to ground..

End of dream..

   I woke up suddenly breathing heavily..... " Ae!!!.... " . My heart was beating fast with whole body was sweating.

  I wore ae's headset and wiped my sweat.. " Thank god.. It's just a dream... I won't leave ae even for a day in that hell.... Wait for me ae!!!!...... I will get you back... " .

I thought of visitng him again.. He is weak and lost so much blood. I wont leave them for hurting my ae...

The next day...

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