chapter 39 : look at me....

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Pond pov :

Today... Pete called me... I picked it up.

Pond - hello Pete...

Pete - pond... Where are you??..

Pond - iam in office...

Pete - okay then I have some work for you...

Pond - okay then..

I ended the call. After sometime p tharn, p type and Pete came. They all look weird. They rushed to me....

P type looked at p tharn and said..

P type - you are sure right???...

P tharn - we are sure... Just check it...

P type handed the chip to me...

Pond - what is it P???..

P type - trace this chip and say it's history like where it was travelling.... I want full details about this chip...

Pond - okay P...

I connected the chip to my computer and it looked like ae designed it.... When I traced it... I confirmed that it's ae 's chip... Only he can design these kind of chips....

I traced it.... And found the location.... The travelling history was still there...

Pond - here... It's the history...

Pete - did it stopped only at one place for a long time in last month pond....

Pond - yes... You can see here... The chip stayed in this place for a long time....

Pete - is this place near to this children park??...

Pond - yes....

P tharn - you guessed it right nong Pete...

P type - we should check there as soon as possible , Pete...

Pond - what??... Now!!!...

P type - yes!!!....

Pond - why??.... What's happening P??.. Can you tell me??...

P type - ae was kidnapped.... We should find him......

Pond - what???.... That's means ae is alive???....

P type smiled and nodded.

Pond - then let's go P...

I packed all my bug cameras and drones....

We all went to the children park... I arranged all the stuff in nearby office .

I worked on my computer and said to them ...

Pond - it's here P.... Back of the children park...

P type - we shouldn't alert them... We should check the situation first....

Ae was kidnapped in the basement.... In a abandoned wooden house......

I operated the drone and saw some bodyguards infront of the wooden house guarding it...

P type - they can see the drone pond!!!..... Return it.... Operate bug camera instead...

I turned on bug camera... It went to the basement.....

Ae was tied to a chair and was full of wounds.... He was dozed off....

Pete - ae!!!.....

Pete touched the screen... He was crying and said....

I L U Only Ae!!! ❤ ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now