chapter 24: alex..!!

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Ae pov:

      I booked two tickets for me and Pete. Pete said he is free today. I woke him up. I reached home late yesterday. He already went to sleep yesterday. We both got ready. Pete is looking so good in his new clothes. Of course I am lucky to get an angel. We both are having breakfast.

Ae - Pete... You look so good today..

He blushed.

Pete - thank you khab ae...

Ae - dont blush too much.. We won't be able to go to movie..

Pete - stop it khab ae~~ by the way I have to submit some evidence in office, P called me this morning... I will just go and submit there okay...

Ae - does it take a long time.. We will be late...

Pete - I will be just 10 min behind you.. You go, pick up apple and you both go to theatre first... I will follow you a bit late khab...

Ae - no... We will go together...

Pete - ae~~ only ten minutes.. I will try to be on time... Naa... Naa khab...

Ae - okay.. Then.. I will go and pick up apple...she must be waiting... Come soon to theatre... Muah...

I pecked him on lips...

Ae - I love you...

Pete - see you soon khab... Ae..

I finished my breakfast and about to leave...

Pete - ae....

Pete called me. I stopped and turned. He hugged me tightly.

Ae - what happened Pete... Are you okay...

Pete - iam okay... Khab.. But I feel something is weird.. My heart is not stable khab.... It feels like you are going away from me....

He is shaking...

I parted and took his face in my hands...

Ae - stop thinking too much.... What will happen to me.. Huh.. I will never leave you... I love you.. No one can seperate us...

I kissed him deeply...... I parted and said " I love you... Come soon okay.. " .

Ae - are you okay now....

I asked Worriedly

He nodded..

Pete - khab....

Ae - then.. We have to go now... Otherwise we will be late okay...

Pete - khab.... Be careful naa khab..

Ae - you too... Byee..

I waved to him and went to pick up apple.

I reached orphanage and parked my bike. I was looking for apple. She is already waiting outside with a new dress... She saw me and smiled. She immediately ran towards me. I picked her up in my arms.. She kissed me on my cheeks and hugged my neck tightly..

Ae - apple... Want to go to movie..

She parted and looked at me. She nodded happily... Hugged me back.

Ae - let's go then...

I placed her on my bike in front of me, she caught the handle bars.... I smiled at her.. We both went to theatre.... We are waiting in the parking lot for Pete... He said he is near..

A man came and parked his bike beside mine... He smiled at apple.
I said to apple..

Ae - don't look at strangers apple..... Come... Come to P..

I L U Only Ae!!! ❤ ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now