chapter 10:my friend

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Pete pov:

   By having Ae as my bestfriend, iam the happiest person in the world. But some things make me sad. At my age of ten.... My father came with court notice that he can take any one of us.. My mom was very sad. My mother didn't allowed any one of us go... But father came with law and took park with him. Park also agreed to go with him. In his point of view he thinks me and mom doesn't love him.... After that only  me and mom were in my family.

At the age of 14....

I realized that I am different.. I am not into girls... I found that iam gay.. But.. I had a question in my mind will ae accepts me as my best friend if he knows iam gay.....

I had a fear to lose ai ae... I went to his house.

Ae 's mom - ohh... My dear!! I didn't see are you??

Pete - swadee khab aunt.. Iam fine..

Mom - Pete!!!! How many times I told you to call me mom...i see you as my another son. .. Well if you don't want to be then leave it...

Pete - nothing like that aunt... Sorry mae...

She smiled at me.

Mom - why are you here??? Did you miss my cooking.. Last time you had my lunch like a month a ago.. Ae doesn't bring you often..

Pete - I will eat mae... I want to see ai ae... Is he at home or in the playground??

Mom - he went to play morning.. He didn't returned yet.. Just wait he will come home to lunch... I think...

Pete - okay mae.. Then I will go to play ground then...

I was about to leave.... Sister in law came with nong yim in her hands.

Sister- ohh.. Dont you want to hold nong yim... Pete!!

I smiled at her...I Looked at nong yim.

Pete - iam sorry.. P.. Come nong yim!!come to uncle...

I carried her and played with her some time

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I carried her and played with her some time... She is so cute..... She is one year old.. And she will smile at me whenever she see me...

I handed her to her mother..

Pete - iam leaving then mae... See you later.. Byee nong..

I said to nong yim

Mom- oww... You are leaving without tasting my food....

Pete - I will come back again with ai ae mae... See you...

Mom - byee~~ take care... Dear..

I nodded and waved at her...

I went to play ground..

Ae is playing with can , pond and with others...

Ae plays football so well... Ae looked at me... He took a break and came towards me... He is all sweaty....

I L U Only Ae!!! ❤ ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now