chapter 20:possessiveness

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Pete pov :

    It's ae's birthday within 2 days. What should I gift him. If I buy anything he will scold me. I should make something for him.

   I went to college. Ae was waiting for me in the parking lot. He smiled when I got down from the car.

Pete - good morning khab...

Ae - good morning...why you are late today...

Pete - nothing khab ae.. I didn't wake up early... Alarm went off.. Let's go now...

I was about to climb the bicycle, he stopped me.

Ae - wait...

Pete - what is khab...

He took an apple from the bag and gave it to me.

Ae - here... You should finish this apple before we reach canteen.

Pete - but... Ae... This is big...

Ae - Pete!!! You are getting slim.. You are skipping breakfast also.... Eat it... That's it...

Pete - ae~~~

Ae - Pete!!.....

Pete - okay... Okay... I will eat it... Don't be angry...

Ae - good... Hop on..

Pete - khab ae...

I hop on bicycle and started eating apple... I completed it otherwise ae will be angry...

We reached canteen. I hopped off.

Ae - did you completed it???

Pete - khab ae...

Ae - good... Muah... ( he pulled and kissed on my lips)

Pete - ae~~~ stop it anyone will see...

Ae - let them see... They will know who you belong too.....muah....( he kissed me again)

Pete - ae~~~stop it... ( I blushing too much)...

Ae - stop blushing... Let's go..

Pete - khab...

We had our  breakfast... And went to classes. My afternoon class was cancelled , ae will complete his class within half an hour... I will wait for him. I was waiting for him while reading a book.

I was talking to a senior... Suddenly ae came beside me.

Ae - Pete... You completed your class... ( he said while stroking my hair)...

Pete - khab ae.... I was waiting for you...

Ae - I am sorry.. Pete I forgot to tell you.... I should go to practice... P type just called me... Can you wait for an hour.... We will go back... Hmm??

Pete - khab ae.... I will wait.. It's just an hour..

Ae - then... I will be quick.. Muah.. ( he kissed my cheek)..

Pete - khab....

Ae - if anyone teases you just say to me... Okay... ( he gave a death glare to the one iam talking)...

Pete - okay... Khub...

Ae went and I turned to the senior.

Senior - who is that???

Pete - he is ae khab..

Senior - he is your boyfriend right....

Pete - khab... Why...

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