chapter 27 : parents

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Ae pov :

       I woke up and went out of the tent without disturbing Pete. I gave him a kiss on forehead before leaving. All of them were already there... Only p tharn, ai Can didn't wake up yet.

    P type and pond were arranging fire for breakfast. Cha aim was sitting beside them. I went to them.

Ae - good morning P..

Type - aow.... Good morning nong... Come here... Help me...

I sat beside P type...

Type - help me blocking the wind.....

Ae - okay P...

Type - Pete didn't wake up yet..

Ae - he is not a morning person P.... I usually wake up early for practice....

Type - yahh... I know you are a morning person... Pete is just like his senior.....they won't wake up early....

Ae - really P...

Type - hmm... Tharn is also not a morning person... He won't wake up until I scold him...

Ae - what we can do P.... We both got ai koon chai 's....

Type - hahhahh...... You are right nong....

Ae - tinn.... Where is can... We have to go fishing....

Tin - he is still sleeping.... Wait I will go and wake him up.

Ae - okay.. Okay...

" Ae

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" Ae... Khaab.. " Pete called coming out of the tent.

He slowly came to me while rubbing his eyes cutely.

Ae - you woke up.... Did I disturbed you...

Pete - no khab ae... I woke up by myself...

Pete is scratching his hands... I saw it and took his hands and checked them...there are red spots..

Ae - what happened Pete?... You got allergies??...

Pete - no khab ae.... Mosquitos...

Ae - didn't you applied lotion yesterday....

He shook his head cutely...

Ae - why didn't you applied it.. See.. Your hands are red... Are they hurting... Should I call p tharn...

He took his hands back from mine.

Pete - no khab ae... They are normal mosquitoes... I am fine... They are just itching...

I checked Pete.....

Ae - wait.... Who told you to wear shorts and t shirts.... Go and change to full sleave and pants...

Pete - ae ~~~~ I am okay khub...

He whined.

Ae - no... Go and change now..

I L U Only Ae!!! ❤ ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now