Zatanna's Spell

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Credits to the real owner of the art

Zatanna takes off her magician's hat and basically threw it on the velvet couch, she slumped on the chair in front of her well-lit vanity mirror. She's tired, really tired! She just performed a five-hour-long magic show with little to no breaks. Her feet are killing her from prolonged standing, she feels drained from her magic even though she's not even using complicated spells, and she badly wants a shower. Zatanna feels sticky from sweat and glitters, all she wants to do now is go home, light some scented candles, open a glass of champagne, take a long relaxing bath, and sleep. 

Zachary knocked on her open door. "Nice job cuz," Zachary compliments her with a bright smile and brought in a huge bouquet addressed to her. "Who's that from?" Zatanna asks and took the enormous bouquet from Zachary. 

"From a Russian billionaire philanthropist watching you earlier, he told me his name but I honestly didn't care enough to remember," Zachary answered and Zatanna reads the card. "Maven Navalurivich," Zatanna reads. 

"Yeah, I think that's what he said," Zachary agrees and Zatanna puts the bouquet on an empty table beside her couch. "You're not planning on keeping it right?" Zachary asks and Zatanna looks at him like he just lost his mind. "Of course not, my husband will flip if he sees that," Zatanna answered and went back to sit in front of her vanity mirror to take off her heavy earrings. 

"So John is still the same huh?" Zachary asks. "Remember when he threatened to burn me in the fiery pits of hell because I kept following you and he didn't know we are cousins," Zachary reminds Zatanna. 

"John is a little possessive, you have to understand he was cursed to have a miserable life," Zatanna explains. "He needed Trigon's power to break loose from that curse," Zatanna added. 

"What's his curse?" Zachary asks as he fiddle with Zatanna's perfumes and cosmetics on her vanity. 

"He's cursed to have everyone he loves die a terrible death in front of him," Zatanna answers, and Zachary fell silent. "How the hell did he break loose from that kind of spell?" Zachary asks and Zatanna shrugs. "When I find out how, I'll tell you," Zatanna said to him and stood up from her seat. 

"Wait, you don't know how... What if he is still cursed?" Zachary asks and Zatanna started wearing her coat. "Arent you afraid that maybe he wasn't able to break the curse? and you and my niece can be in serious danger," Zachary reasoned with her. 

"No," Zatanna answered. "I know my husband, he will never ever put us in any type of danger," Zatanna said to her cousin. 

"Yeah, well I guess, he is not only possessive, but he is also annoyingly protective," Zachary answered and Zatanna laughs. "How's my niece by the way? I hope John is not too strict with her," Zachary asks. 

"Raven is great, and John is... well I do my best to let Raven be herself," Zatanna said and started opening a portal to her home. 

"That bad huh?" Zachary asks. "I'll visit soon, see you cousin," Zachary said and said his goodbye to Zatanna. Zatanna lets the portal close behind her and she takes off her shoes by their doorway. She takes off her coat and hung it on the coat hook. She saw a soft changing light coming from their living room, Zatanna is sure it's already late so she checks her watch and sees that it's 2:15 in the morning, so who could still be awake during this hour? 

Zatanna entered the living room and saw Raven and John sleeping side by side and leaning on each other on the couch while the television is on its lowest volume and left turned on. Zatanna smiles to herself, she grabs the remote and turns off the television. Raven is wearing a sweater and PJs while John is wearing a black sleeveless shirt with the letters MM design which stands for Mucous Membrane and a pair of boxers.

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