Portal Making

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Credits to the real owner of the art


Madame Xanadu's black cat is warmly brushing its head on Raven's leg. Raven placed her hand on the cat's head and began massaging it with her fingertips. The cat sat next to Raven and bared its neck to her as if it enjoyed the attention. Despite her depressed state, Raven can't help but smile at the sweet animal.

Madame Xanadu placed a hot cup of tea in front of her. "Raven?" Madame Xanadu calls out to her to clarify if Raven is still in her living room. "I'm here," Raven muttered and Madame Xanadu found where she is supposed to look. "I made you tea," Madame Xanadu said and sat on the couch. As soon as Madame Xanadu sat, her black cat automatically climbed on her lap. "Raven, I'm sorry about the chalice," Madame Xanadu apologizes.

"It's not your fault," Raven replied.

"But you are hurt because of me," Madame Xanadu answered and Raven reached for the tea that Madame Xanadu made. She sipped the tea and almost got a toothache from how sweet it is, Raven is thankful that Madame Xanadu is blind because she wouldn't have to explain why she made face while drinking the tea.

The tea is flawed, and Raven understands why: Madame Xanadu made it without using her magic, which makes it perfect. Raven felt warm within after drinking the sweet tea. "I'll be fine," Raven said optimistically. "You say that but do you truly believe your words?" Madame Xanadu asks and Raven looks at her.

"What choice do I have?" Raven asks her.

"You can live in the moment," Madame Xanadu replied. "Be sad, depressed, worried, scared, be the absolute worse," Madame Xanadu continued. "You don't need to keep putting up with it or else everything will slip away from you like a blur. Learn to live every second of it without thinking that you are wasting time because you need to be sad," Madame Xanadu said. "You never truly waste time, who and what you do now will make better sense in the future," Madame Xanadu added.

"Always remember that Raven, those are the wisdom that comes from an immortal hag," Madame Xanadu said and smiled. Madame Xanadu placed her black cat on Raven's lap and got up, she searched with her hands in the clutter around her house. "Do you need help?" Raven asks.

"No, it's alright, I'm sure I put it here somewhere," Madame Xanadu said, the black cat mewled and stretched on Raven's lap. "Where is it, Marisol?" Madame Xanadu asks the black cat, the black cat licks its paws and Madame Xanadu frowns. "Useless cat," Madame Xanadu said and the cat mewed.

Madame Xanadu seems to be conversing with the cat, she stretched her hand to the left and got hold of an indigo pouch bag. "Ha! Found it," Madame Xanadu said, the cat purred and laid down on Raven's lap. "You can talk to your cat?" Raven asks and Madame Xanadu walks back to the couch holding the pouch.

"Marisol is my familiar," Madame Xanadu explained and handed the pouch to Raven. "It's for you," Madame Xanadu said and offered the pouch to Raven. "For me?" Raven asks and held the pouch bag. Raven opened the indigo pouch bag with white hand-painted magic circle designs, she reaches inside and found tarot cards inside.

"I had a friend of mine make them, I sent him your picture and he said these cards will suit you," Madame Xanadu explained. Raven spread the card a little in her hands and is surprised that the cards look different, the design is unique like it is made just for her. Madame Xanadu's card has designs of people carrying cups or swords and the one she's holding only has symbols that reflect a rainbow color.

"If you don't like it, I can ask him to make a new one," Madame Xanadu said since Raven has been quiet. "No! No, I love it!" Raven answered. "It's really beautiful," Raven said and touched the card's smooth surface. "Thank you," Raven said to Madame Xanadu.

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