Dawn of the New Frontier

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Credits to the real owner of the art


The silence from Batman in the Watch Tower is making everyone uncomfortable, and the warnings and alarms continue to ring as the computers show the forthcoming of a calamity. Finally, the bravest among them stepped toward their leader. "What do we do, Batman?" Superman asks.  

Superman showed true concern as his kin, Batman estimated the damage and death that may happen due to the huge convergence opening on top of Gotham as if it is about to swallow the whole city. "We fight whatever is coming," Batman answered. "We're with you in this fight," Superman replied. 

"This is bigger than we ever imagined," Cyborg stated and Batman couldn't agree more. The convergences that opened before were not this big nor destructive as the one brewing up, the levels of devastation are alarming. 

"We need to start evacuating people," Wonder Woman suggested. "The people are our priority," Batman agrees. "But we don't know what's coming yet," Hal Jordan stated. "We have to prepare for every outcome," Wonder Woman answered. "All the heroes in Gotham must ready themselves," Superman added and waited for Batman to disagree. 

Gotham is Batman's territory and he doesn't enjoy many meta hovering in his city. "Those who desire to fight in Gotham will be given a pardon for trespassing," Batman announced and Superman nodded at everyone. "We will see who we can call on," Superman said and left Batman in the conference room. 

Bruce opened his tablet and stared at his wallpaper. It's their family picture, but he stared at his youngest son in particular. If he moves Damian somewhere else then where will the convergence open? They don't have any information about the convergence but the fact that it is a portal from another reality trying to get through to them... and somehow it's after Damian. 

Batman tapped onto the different files and plans on his tablet, he sent an emergency message to Dick, Jason, Tim, and John Constantine. After sending the emergency messages, Dick is the first one to reply back with a simple 'I'll be there,' reply. 

Tim replied next with a single word 'Copy' while Jason's reply is a little more creative which Bruce had to decipher through a series of profanity. "What happened?" John Constantine asks who just appeared in the tower beside Batman. "I sent you a message containing what the emergency is about," Batman replied. 

"I didn't read it," John replied and sat next to Batman. "Another convergence is about to open above Gotham, it's as big as our city or bigger, I need you and Zatanna to help protect the people and the city," Batman explained briefly and John sighed heavily.  

"We just can't get a rest, can't we?" John asks Batman. "Consider it done," John agrees. "Do you know what's going to pop out of that hell hole?" John asks. "Destruction," Batman replied shortly. "It's always that," John commented. 

"We deserve a really nice holiday after this," John added and Batman kept quiet. "John," Batman said when John stood to leave. "Yep?" John asks. "I need you to get my son," Batman said and John frowns. "Which one?" John asks and started making a portal in his hands. "Damian," 

"Jesus Christ," John remarked but he obeyed. John opened a small portal to infuriate the youngest Wayne with the discomfort of being dragged into and out of a portal. "What the hell?!" Damian cursed as John pulls him by his uniform collar. "Constantine!" Damian shouted and held the sword in his drawing tube. 

"Shut yer trap, boy," John replied to Damian. "Damian," Bruce started and Damian disengaged instantly seeing that he is dragged into the Justice League Watchtower. "What's going on Father?" Damian asks. 

"I have been preparing you for this," Batman said and passed the tablet to Damian. Damian took the tablet and a file immediately opened, the screen turned black, and the words The Justice League: New Frontier flashed on the screen in bold letters. 

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