The Bad Decision

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I decided to make a shot fluff story about Cassandra and Tim because who doesn't like Cassandra?

Tim is not perfect, it doesn't mean he is the smartest among his brothers, it immediately qualifies him as being perfect. He makes mistakes too like: 

One, He shouldn't have drunk five coffee that morning

Two, He shouldn't have brought coffee to school, it made him palpitate. 

Three, He shouldn't have forgotten their History group assignment at home. 

and four, the worse possible mistake ever...

...He asked Cass to bring his assignment to school.

"I can fly to your house and get it," Conner suggested for the tenth time. "We can't risk it, if someone sees you flying, Bruce will kill me," Tim said to him.

"I'm just saying, it's my homework too, it's either we get in trouble with Mrs. Hamgan or your dad," Conner mentions their History teacher and Tim winces. Tim taps on the call button again and this time Cassandra picks up. 

"Cass!" Tim spoke to his sister on the phone, he hears a small hum from Cassandra from the other line. "I need your help, I left my History assignment on my desk, can you come and--" 

"Okay, Timmy." Cassandra responded happily and Tim sighs in relief.

"Thanks, Cassandra, you're a lifesaver!" Tim said and happily ended the call, Tim faces Conner. "My sister is coming here to bring my assignment," Tim said to Conner. 

"Your sister? The mute?" Conner asks and Tim frowns. "She's not mute, she's just not the talkative type," Tim explained and ignored his friend's brashness. 

"Why is she at home? Does she not have school?" Conner asks while they walk to the entrance of their school. "She's being homeschooled," Tim answered. Conner and Tim waited for Cassandra to arrive, they sat by the fountain in front of their school entrance. 

A few minutes later, Cassandra descended from the bus in a plain black dress. She immediately sees Tim, and made a run for him, Tim opened his arms and braced himself for Cassandra's hug. Cassandra jumps in Tim's arms and they hugged tightly, Tim lowers his sister and smiles at her. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, Cass." Tim apologizes to her, Cassandra shakes her head and opens her sling bag. 

"Don't ap-po-lo-gize." Cassandra relayed the syllables to Tim. "Done with ballet practice," Cassandra said and pointed at herself, and then she hands Tim his homework. Cassandra smiles at Tim, then Cassandra notices the boy standing beside Tim. Conner smiles at her and Cassandra smiles back. "I'm Conner." Conner offered his hand to Cassandra since his best friend is too busy rereading their homework. Cassandra takes Conner's hand and shakes his. "Cassandra," Cassandra said to him. 

"Nice name." Conner compliments her, a blush crept up to Cassandra's cheek, Conner notices this and also blushed. Conner can't help it, Cassandra is cute, and he feels oddly shy around her. Conner thinks of something to say, he is usually a smooth talker, but he can feel the weight on Cassandra's stare. It is as if she is reading him and looking at his soul. Tim puts down the homework after rereading it and sees Conner and Cassandra still holding each other's hand which they shook, and they are staring at each other. 


"Ehem." Tim coughed, Cassandra let go of Conner's hand and Conner looks away. 


"Thanks again Cass, how are you going to get home?" Tim asks his sister. 

"Cab," Cassandra answers shortly. 

"Tim you should pass our assignment," Conner says to him. "What about you?" Tim asks Conner. 

"I should make sure your sister ride the cab safely," Conner said to Tim with an intense look, Tim shakes his head lightly. 

No, no, no!

Before Tim can argue Cassandra hugs him and walks away. "Bye Tim!" Cassandra waves her hand, Conner looks at Tim and then at Cassandra. "Pass our assignment, I'll see you in class bro," Conner said and ran after Cassandra. 


Bruce is going to kill him-- No, his whole family is going to disown him then kill him! 

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