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Credits to the real owner of the art

Jason is quietly smoking by the kitchen window when John Constantine entered holding an empty mug of coffee, John eyes Jason's cigarette, and Jason stops to blow out smoke. "Want one?" Jason said and offered a cigarette to John Constantine. "Sure," Constantine answered, he took one from the small box, and placed the mug down at the kitchen counter. Jason lit Constantine's cigarette and the two males smoke together. "This day be damned, so much has happened," John Constantine said to Jason. 

"You're right, wait I thought Raven and Zatanna went home, what are you still doing here?" Jason asks him. 

"Paying off my debt," John said and blew out grey smoke. 

"Right, I almost forgot your service ain't free," Jason said to Constantine, Jason remembers that John owes them for finding his ass when he was overly intoxicated during the death anniversary of Raven's birth mother. "I can be charitable sometimes," John said to Jason. "An eye for an eye, mate," John said and snapped his fingers, two bottles of beer appeared in his hands and he passed the other one to Jason. "Or in this case, a ciggy for a beer, cheers," John said and clinks their bottle of beer. Jason smiles at the cold beer in his hands and the two took a swig of their beer. 

Jason finds himself enjoying John Constantine's company as they continue to smoke and drink beer together. The beer bottle continues to refill itself every time he drinks from it and Jason grinned in amusement. 

"Jason," Kara says his name, and the blonde girl entered the kitchen. Jason quickly puts out his cigarette by the window sill and he throws it out. "Thanks for the ciggy mate," John said and raised his beer bottle to Jason, John Constantine went out of the kitchen to give the two some privacy. "Sorry, does it smell bad?" Jason asks Kara as he tries to fan out the smell of smoke. 

"No, the smell of smoke is mixing with your deodorant," Kara answered and steps towards Jason. Kara stood beside Jason and Jason rested his arms on Kara's shoulder. "My family already flew home," Kara said to Jason and leaned her head on him. 

"Are you staying over?" Jason asks her and Kara chuckled. 

"I don't think Clark will let me stay," Kara answered him. 

"We don't have to share a room, you can stay in one of the guest's rooms inside the house," Jason tells her.

"I can't, I told them I'll only say good night to you and go home," Kara said to Jason. 

"Okay beautiful," Jason said and he watches his girlfriend blush, Kara looks away to hide for flushed face and pushed her glasses higher to her face. "Good night Jason," Kara said to him, she stood on her tiptoes since Jason is taller than her, and she was about to kiss Jason's cheek when Jason turns his face and made their lips meet. What is supposed to be an innocent goodnight kiss quickly became something more primal, Jason tugged at Kara's pony and released her hair from the restraint of her scrunchy, and his other hand is on Kara's waist pulling her body to him. His kiss is bitter from beer and cigarette but there is something about it that Kara entreats for because even though he tasted bitter, his touch is sweet and exciting. Jason held Kara, his hand explored the bare skin he can touch since his girlfriend likes to wear clothes that covered most of her skin. Jason loves Kara's warmth, the Kryptonian absorbs sunlight which is understandable why she is warm even during the coldest weather, but it is doing more than just keeping him from getting cold, it is a reminder-- a reminder that he is no longer six feet underground and freezing. Kara stops kissing him to get some air, she laughs and brushes her blonde hair. "I really need to go," Kara said to him. 

"Alright babe," Jason said and leaned in for another kiss but Kara placed her finger on his lip. "No more kissing, I'm already late as it is," Kara said to him with a playful smile and Jason smiles back. Jason kisses Kara's finger shortly and stood straight. "I need my hair tie back," Kara said to Jason and pointed at the velvet scrunchy in Jason's wrist. "No, I think I'm keeping this," Jason said and inhaled the scent of Kara's shampoo on the scrunchy. 

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