A Dad's Gamble

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John Constantine had stupid decisions he regrets ever doing, but he is willing to do it no matter how stupid it is. John dropped his cigarette and stepped on it, he snapped his fingers and walked through the metal doors that has a very clear warning that says caution biohazard. "Sorry mate," John said to himself and used his magic next to make a barrier around himself since he is not wearing any protective gear.

This is going to stir up a ton of trouble, John Constantine thought to himself.

The room glowed a soft blue and white and there are glass shelves everywhere with glass containers with odd concoctions or viruses inside. John reached for the vial that he needs with the code name 'Swamp'. John got the vial or stole it and went out of the small room, he went out and walks back to the closet where he hid a little friend. One of Salvatore Moroni's goons, Salvatore Moroni is one of the Bat's long enemies, this havoc Jon is going to stir is sure to make a huge confusion.

"Cheers," John said and forced the man's mouth to open, which is not difficult since he is unconscious. John made sure he swallow the virus; when he sees that his veins began bludging dangerously in his skin, he is shaking uncontrollably, and his mouth are bubbling; John left through a portal with his conscience absent. The man transformed into a monster and John made sure to keep the door open so he can be set loose.

John took a step back and the portal closed in front of him. John's expression is hard and determined, he looks around the antique room that suits Jason Blood a lot, it's gloomy and there is no alcohol in sight. "Basis vincula," (Trans: Basement chamber,) John chanted and added more protective layers on his magic to keep his presence hidden.

He can't let Jason Blood know that is snooping around his house. He became intangible and his spell dropped him from floor to floor until he reaches the lowest part of Jason Blood's home. Jason Blood built his house over an ancient prison with a magic water canal system. It's an old magic alchemy spell to create a canal in a place to strengthen a spell; in the prison's case, it is making sure that whatever is inside stays locked up inside.

The water in the canal is flowing with confinement spell that keeps the prison damp and smelling like aquarium water. Jason Blood used to utilize the prison for himself-- for Etrigan but since they reached an accord Jason Blood uses the prison for dangerous beings that they cannot kill or destroy.

And the only one in the cell right now is no other than a teenage boy with blue skin, pointed hair that looks like horns, and is stroking his demon familiar cat. "Would you look at that, Teekl. We have a guest," The boy said and walks forward for his face to be illuminated by the single light in the room. His skin turned peachy-- like a real human as the light glows on him. He smiles cheekily at John Constantine. The metal prison bars enchanted with heavy spells kept them apart from each other.

"You must be very very desperate to come to me, John Constantine," the boy said and John scoffed. "You know me, I like to gamble, it's a serious habit," John Constantine replied and the teenager laughed evilly. "That's a dead man's hand, John Constantine," the boy responded. "Well it's a good thing I often cheat in poker," John Constantine answered and the boy laughed even harder.

Teekl also meowed as if to laugh at John. "Just by coming here, you are already betting a losing hand, John Constantine," the teenager replied. "You are gambling away your friends, family, and of course, your beautiful wife. How is Zatanna anyway?" the teenager asks only to piss John off, which he succeeded because the mere mention of Zatanna made John jerk in discomfort. "Shut yer trap," John answered.

"Oops, did I push a button?" he asks and acted innocent, John smirks. "It's alright, how's life being stuck in the prison for 14 years, Klarion?" John Constantine asks smugly and Klarion glares at him. "Your friend can't even bother to bring me drink or food at least once! I forgot what wine and steak taste like," Klarion complains.

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