Chocolate House

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Credits to the real owner of the art


Raven leaned her head on her dad's arm. John clinked his mug of coffee to Raven's cup of tea with a benign smile on his lips. "Do you still see me the same?" John asks even though he pretty much knows the answer already. Raven rested her chin on John's arm and looks at him with her deep yet clear purple eyes. "You're still my dad, nothing is going to change that," Raven replied while John fixes the blanket they are sharing over their shoulders.

"I love you, pumpkin," John said and planted a coffee-scented kiss on her forehead. "I love you too, dad," Raven replied and snuggles closer to John. They had their couch face the window while they watch the faint rain outside under warm blankets and a cup of hot beverage in their hands. "You told me before that my mom reminds you of aunt Cheryl," Raven said and John nods his head while he drinks his coffee.

"That's right, gumdrop," John confirms. "Can you tell me how they're the same?" Raven asks despite the fact that from her dad's story she can already see how her aunt Cheryl is like her mom, Raven simply wants to hear more about her aunt. "They're both headstrong, very tough, and brave," John answered proudly. "They're both amazing, and let's admit it, pumpkin, people who can handle me deserves a place in heaven," John said with a laugh.

"Just like mom?" Raven said and pointed her thumb at the back to gesture at Zatanna who is currently in the room getting ready to go to work. "Especially Zee!" John replied and they both laugh. "Do you have any plans today?" John asks since he will be going to work later and so is Zatanna. "Yes, Donna, Jon, and I are going to a chocolate shop later," Raven answered but John stopped listening to the rest that Raven said when he did not hear Damian's name.

John smiled widely knowing that his baby is safe and away from the batbrat's grasp, John quickly allows Raven to go without further inquiries. "Have fun, gumdrop," John said and they continue drinking their hot beverages.

"Tt, Where are they? They're late," Damian said in annoyance. "Look at you, you're just like mom, both cranky," Maya teases and Damian's eyes turned into slits as he glares at Maya sharply. Maya only laughed at him while she stands behind the glass casing, her chin resting on the plan of her hands.

"On a more positive note, Maya, I'd like to express my appreciation for what you did for Raven during the play," Damian said while he strokes the rosin all the way across the bow, Maya smiles at him. "You're welcome and a simple thanks will do next time," Maya replied. "How did you know Victoria is planning on dumping black ash on Raven?" Damian asks.

"I have my ways," Maya replied vaguely. Duke entered the shop while ushering the customer's lines up outside. Duke is dressed as a garcon custom-made by Cullen, but his bow tie is tilting and he looks disheveled and flustered. "What happened to you?" Damian asks Duke with a tone of criticism.

Maya rushed towards her mom's boyfriend and straightened his bow tie. "Uncle Damian is right, what happened to you? Did you run in a marathon?" Maya asks Duke. "Tt~" Damian tutted at the nickname Maya insists on calling him. Duke catches his breath and moved away from the shop door. "They... were... asking for... pictures," Duke said and Maya got him a cup of water. "Pictures?" Maya asks and handed him the paper cup. "Thanks," Duke said to Maya and drank the water.

"Why are they asking for your picture?" Maya asks which she quickly regrets. "Duke is popular with women," Damian stated. "He is? You are?" Maya asks and then she saw a camera flash by the window. Duke smiles awkwardly and waved outside the shop window.

"Did you tell them who you are?" Damian asks and Duke's eyes widen. "No!" Duke said and shakes his head while he crossed his wrists. "We'll be opening in 10 mins," Athanasia announced while she unties the apron behind her revealing her skin-tight black dress. "Here," Damian said and passes the bow to his sister. Athanasia inspects the bow and touched the hair. "It needs more rosin," Athanasia said and sharply returned the bow to Damian.

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