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Credits to _runi_ff and Soniamatas for the art


"Mom, you don't have to put so much effort into my make-up," Raven said to Zatanna since her mom is so passionate about perfecting the make-up on Raven's face. "You know how much I love doing this," Zatanna said and lightly applied blush on Raven's cheek.

"But it would be such a waste, mom, I'll be wearing a mask," Raven said and John Constantine knocked on Raven's open bedroom door. "I'm coming in," John said to them and entered the room, John stopped and gazes at his daughter with so much love and affection. Raven recognizes the way her dad looks at her even without her empathic powers, it's a look reserved for her and her moms.

"Gumdrop, you are the most beautiful witch I have seen in my entire life," John said in exaggeration. Raven looks at her reflection in the mirror and she honestly wants to believe her dad, Zatanna added color to her face, and she fastened Raven's hair with a frosted silver leaf crown. Raven feels guilty that Zatanna spent so much time making her look pretty when everything will only be hidden behind a sinister mask.

Raven touched the leaf crown with an expression of wistfulness, the leaf crown symbolizes her mother. "Dad, have you seen my costume?" Raven asks John and John looks at the garb that she's wearing. "Even if you wear a tattered trashbag, it wouldn't matter, pumpkin," John said and walks forward to kiss the side of Raven's head.

"Our daughter is still the prettiest," John said and winks at Zatanna. "Yes and once they see you after the play without the mask on, everyone is going to see how beautiful you truly are, sweetie," Zatanna said and squished her cheek on Raven's.

"Do we go now?" Zatanna asks her husband and reaches for her coat. John made an exasperated expression and made awful reluctant noise from the back of this throat. "Your dad made my life harder by boasting to Jason and Xanadu that I will be making a portal window for your clan and now they want one too," John Constantine explained and then looks at Raven.

"The Wayne brat also told me to make one in Nanda Parbat, he said his cousin has never gone to an actual school. Bunch of mingebag liggers, don't they know that magic comes with a price?!" John complained, Zatanna let out a laugh knowing well that despite John's protests he will still do the task given to him while Raven tries to recall what mingebag and liggers mean in her dad's long list of British profanity. 

Raven is not the star of the show, she's only got a few lines and appearances but the support that her family is showing her is enough to inspire her to do her best despite the terrible role that Victoria has given her.

Her family is aware that she's only playing a side character/villain with almost zero appearance on stage but they still insisted on watching her, even Madame Xanadu who is blind wanted to watch or listen to the play. Raven decided to do her best for the people who loves her and showed their utmost support for her.

She started out hating her role because of Victoria but now, she couldn't care less. Victoria could have made her a beggar in the play and she wouldn't care, Raven has something better and that's the people who cherish her.

Raven touched the silver leaf crown, the crown feels lighter somehow. She knows that her mom would be happy to know that she's being cared for and love.

Mom, I know you are watching. I just want you to know that you don't have to worry about me, even without magic I will be alright. Raven prayed and smiled at her mom and dad.

"Shall we, pumpkin?" John Constantine asks her while Zatanna waits for Raven's response. Raven took the witch mask and cloak on top of her bed, she stares at the mask without contempt and smiled at the mask with confidence. "Yes," Raven replied. John and Zatanna smile at Raven widely, Raven can't help but smile back at her parents.

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