Chapter 32; Fire And Water

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"Did the apple of my eye have fun today?" I asked him with a big smile.

"Yeah, of course. You were there with me after all." He smiled back as he stared at me.

"Why are you so cute!" I pinched his cheeks.

"Gosh I'm gonna puke. Stop it now, she's not even here." Rose looked at us in distaste while biting her apple aggressively. Ugh I'm never gonna like apples. Ever.

I quickly looked away from Henry with a disgusted look and he looked around cluelessly.

"Alright, I'm really confused. You said you have to act like a couple whenever Rachel is around but what's this all about?" I glared at Henry with arms folded over my chest after hearing Rose's question. He just mumbled a little 'sorry' before I hissed my mocking reply,

"Ask this apple of my eye."

A week ago

I was walking through the hallway without any particular thoughts in mind. I was a bit early today so I didn't have to run into many known people.

I was reading To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf as I walked further until I felt a firm grip on my wrist.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked the guy who was pulling me with him to the janitor's closet.

I pulled my hand away with some force as we reached the very enclosed space. I kept my book on an empty table and looked at the face in front of me in the dark room.

"Henry?" I asked, amused.
"Yeah it's me. But hey, I asked you for a favour a few days ago. About that girl who was spamming me with her texts." He whispered.

"Yeah I hacked into her number and got some information. I completely blocked her contact and I'm sure any number with her information and for your better understanding, any number with the name Rachel won't be able to message you." I explained, proudly.

I still remember how I had called Brooklyn over to my house just so she could help me with it better.

"I think I've heard that name earlier." He said while looking in deep thought.
"Anyways, I brought you here cause I'm still getting the messages." He said frustratingly.

"The fuck is wrong with her? She's such a creep." I said in disbelief.
He sighed as he bit his lips in exasperation.

"Oh Henry! Here you are!" A squeaky voice was heard from behind, making me turn around to see a girl of my age.

She had her brunette hair tied up in a neat bun and had a small and attractive face. Her charcoal eyes really complimented her looks. Was she new here?

"Rachel?" Henry stared at her with widened eyes.

"I've been trying to text you so many times! You never responded. I was trying to stay in touch cause I was transferring to the same university as you." She said as she walked forward towards us while looking at the surprised boy, not noticing me.

"Oh hey, never seen you. Who are you?" She finally averted her gaze towards me.
"You don't know me, obviously. It's your first day." I said with a sarcastic smile plastered on my face, which wasn't too noticable in the dark.

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