Chapter 15; A Loner's Messaging list

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After that incident with Henry we both came back home. I opened the door and went into Rose's room to check what she is doing.

To my surprise I saw John there. I stood right on the entrance and smirked at her. John could not see me as his back was towards my side.

" Where were you ma'am?" she backfired at me. John looked at Rose in confusion as he was not aware about my presence.
" Actually I.....umm" what should I say? I can't tell her the truth. Shit...
" She went to keep a check on Henry." Wtf... He made it more difficult for me. Why did he have to blurt?

"And why?"
"It's not like that John. I went to a grocery store nearby."
" Oh!.."
" I was in the grocery store when I found Henry there. So we both came back after shopping." That was close. I thought I was caught.

" hmm....I see."
" John!..Henry was calling you." I winked at him. He nodded his head and headed towards the door.
" Bye Rose. Good night." He said and smiled sweetly at Rose.
" Bye. Good night."

He said and went towards his house. I smirked at Rose and raised my eyebrows asking her what was he doing in your room?

She replied Nothing just.....

" I want to know everything."
" It was just nothing Daisy. I don't know from where he entered the house. I was just sitting on my bed and....." then she told me what happened. Ok.... So I think he knows that Rose was on her periods.

I was so fucking tired that I needed a sleep. So I went to my room after answering all the stupid questions which Rose asked me like -

Why are you so tired? What did you do that made you this so tired huh?

Next Morning

You guys won't believe a miracle happened today. No!! the sun didn't rise from west, even bigger than that.

i.e Daisy woke up at 9 today.

Ok I know you want to hit me hard but this is not less than a miracle.......

So, today I woke up at 9 today surprisingly and had literally no work to do. What do the rest of the people do? I wonder.

As I was so free, I thought to continue the story I had been writing on wattpad which I wrote only for half an hour.

I went outside to take fresh air when I saw our lawn which gave me an idea.
I took the watering can with which we water the plants. Usually Rose gets up early and does this work.

I went inside to take the can when I saw Rose coming downstairs rubbing her eyes.

" Good morning sleeping beauty." I said smirking at her. She look at me and became extremely shocked.

"Look who's saying." she said rolling her eyes.
" Btw, why are you up so early? Don't you wanna sleep?"
" I don't wanna sleep Mom. I have other works to do." I said controlling my laughter.

I went outside and saw Henry on the first floor of his house. Stretching his arms.

Seems like he just woke up.

When I further noticed, I saw him half naked like I saw him that day.

Wtf...he is so hot.

Stop gawking at him daisy. I told myself and started to do my work.

As I was busy watering the plants, I saw Henry coming out of his house.

Where is he going in early morning?

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